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Reena pov

'Who are you? And what are you doing here, Reenaa you have got some trouble making person in the house.' I heard ashiamma screaming on top of her lungs I knew it was Raja who she was talking about I hurriedly took the glass of water to the hall, only to see Raja sitting on the chattai without caring what ashiamma was saying. He saw me and gestured to take the glass. I handed the glass to him while our fingers brushed.

'Ashiamma Clam down he is not a trouble making person, he is Raja shanthiamma's son.' I spoke to ashiamma. While Raja was drinking the water, he got up all of a sudden handing me the empty glass

'Firstly Amma ask me ,rather than screaming i did got a tongue to answer' he said in his masculine voice while staring towards ashiamma.

I took ashiamma to the kitchen while she gave me the sarees

'Reena I must say he is handsome, but what is he doing here now? Is He married? ' ashiamma spoke

'I don't know. But if he was he would come with his wife' while ashiamma just nodded we talked a little and then she left.

I went to baba's room and pulled out a vesthi, and went to the hall but there was no trace of Raja, where did he go?

I checked the house but still he wasn't there,after sometime Raja entered the house from the main door

'Where did you go, Raja? I was finding you here is your vesthi get freshen up if you need anything let me know.' I asked him. While he just hummed

'You can call me Rocky. What's your name?' He asked by now I was just in love with voice, ahh it was so soothing

'Reena' I spoke while he nodded and left to get fresh.
I went to the kitchen and started to prepare the lunch. Everything was ready and I thought to take a bath it was too much hot.
I took a new saree and towel. In the mid way I found Raja ahh noo noo rocky drying his hair in that vesthi. It was a worth watching scene

'Lunch is ready do you want to eat now or later' I asked him while he saw the saree and the towel.
'Later.' Was all he said he is such one word person.

I was looking fresh when I saw myself infront of the mirror, I left my hair open, put a little Kajal and a bindi the saree was complimenting my skintone the acne marks were rarely visible now. But the main problem was the blouse it was little tight I felt a little suffocated. When I came out of my room I saw Baba and rocky talking.

I directly went to the kitchen and re-heated the food. The men were already sitting for food I could say by looking at baba's face, I chuckled a little and put the banana leaf infront of them, while both of them obediently cleaned it with water. Then one by one I started to serve them.

'Magale pass me the chutney it's Fantastic!! Raja Don't be shy eat some more' Baba said eating.

Rocky was such a boring person he never speaks anything, how can a person not talk. Lunch was silent or more it felt like a one sided conversation, where Baba spoke and Rocky either nodded or hummed. what if he doesn't like to talk when I am around because I heard Baba and Rocky talking when I was in the room and when I came outside he got silent all of a sudden.What if he thinks I am an outsider who doesn't deserve a place in his family.

I could feel the weight of these ifs on my chest and my throat dried ,my eyes were teary, i wasn't able to eat my lunch. So I didn't and went to my room and drifted in the slumber .

Reena has always been sensitive towards the family thing, she always returned home crying if anyone asked or bullied about her real parents, Society never spared even that little girl from bombarding their judgemental questions. She didn't even knew the meaning of burden, when she was told that she was no one to Prakash but just a mere burden.

K.G.F Where stories live. Discover now