Ch 5

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It's been few days since Rocky was at his Mama's place, he would accompany Prakash at the fields in the morning and went for walk every evening, where Reena felt ignored by him. He never initiated a conversation with her.

One fine evening when Prakash went to pay a visit to one of his friends  rocky was sitting in the  verandah, while reena was walking out of her room trying to put her hairs in a bun .She stopped on her tracks when she saw rocky sitting. She thought to initiate a conversation with him, She went near him. Rocky felt someone's presence but didn't turn he already knew who it would be.

"Do you want something?"Rocky said with a straight face

'Rocky um where do you stay at Bombay?' Reena asked while sitting beside him

'I do have a rented apartment, and the place you might not know' Rocky said  it was a long silence both of them sat still without saying  a word

'What are you doing? I mean I saw you with books are you studying? ' Rocky asked  breaking the awkward silence

'Oh yes.'  Reena replied to which Rocky nodded
'Does everyone grow beard in Bombay?' Reena asked but Rocky didn't answer her

'I heard you work on port.? But I don't think so' reena said

'Why?' Rocky asked looking straight into reena's eyes. Reena could feel the intensity of his stare her internal organ almost got twisted as Rocky saw her directly into eyes

'The bruises on your knuckles say some other story'  reena told while rocky turned his hand to see his knuckles which he himself  never noticed  they were in pathetic condition.

'Why did Mama adopted you?' Rocky asked  which made Reena's heart sore 

'I don't remember much I was little, my appa brought me to the fair, and asked me to wait as he will get the balloons and never returned, I don't know if he did that intentionally or.. '
Reena wasn't able to speak as the tear fell on her hand. After Taking a pause

' I was crying  when Baba came up to me and asked about my parents, I told him everything but.. he wasn't able to find them and decided to adopt me ajji ,your grandmother wasn't happy with the decision always treated me as a doormat in baba's absence.'  Reena completed  it was for the first time she was opening up about her childhood trauma to anyone maybe she thought no one could understand her delima other than Rocky because he also went through a lot.

'Hmm' Rocky replied and left
Reena was dumbfounded here she was sharing her inner delima and he left just like that, she thought maybe he would  share something from his childhood or maybe atleast a few memories of his mother, maybe she expected  more. He was arrogant he didn't wanted his weak side to come up.  Reena got up and left to her room.

Rocky pov

I left yet again, ignoring all the emotions keeping them locked inside me, Reena was sharing her childhood trauma, I did lost my parents but she was left by her parents that was worst, I have to leave this many days spending here will make me hollow.

The dinner was served Rocky kept glancing at Reena, who was just looking down , sad ,pale face

'Magale, what happened why are you sad? Rocky anything happened when I wasn't here? ' Prakash asked Reena and Rocky 

'No baba'  reena replied and plastered a smile. 

Prakash, Prakash  hey you come out of your mouse hole

Reena was disappointed hearing the voice again,

'Reena you go inside your room'  Rocky said , the sound of a drunkard but a familiar one Rocky thought

Rocky stood up along with Prakash, while reena followed them without their notice

You son of a bitch, You bloody Prakash, Give me money  Firstly you tie your useless sister to me and doesn't even pay me, Don't you know Alcohol comes with a cost Haan!

Rocky was shocked when he came up to door to see who was it. The man who never ever qualified to be a father, was a father his Father this Man sold his mother's mangalsutra for a bottle of liquor, Rocky thought he died maybe  because  the amount of that liquid he consumed but he was wrong,.there he stands right infront of him, not stands he was hardly able to stand straight and about to collapse with the ground anytime soon.

The man stood there cursing his mother in all the  dirty languages he could. The blood rushed in Rocky's veins he was about to punch him when Reena held his hand,

'Why the fuck you're here Go to your room now'  anger was evident in his voice he was loud.

Reena didn't leave his hand while Prakash goes to Rocky's father and tried his best to made him leave but he wanted money, and he wasn't  leaving

The crowd was gathering the people were enjoying the drama

Reena eyes went around to see the crowd Rocky's eyes followed her, he saw and instantly realized  why reena stopped  him , he knew if he did Something now it will not be good for Reena and Mama. So took of Reena's hand from his hand and went inside the house.

Reena saw him and was confused, his anger clams down this quickly?

And suddenly Rocky came out and thrown all the money he had brought from Bombay at his father's face. Prakash kept looking at Rocky.

While Rocky's father took the money and

Haan Prakash not bad, you kept bodyguards to protect you and your flithy daughter. look afterall a young boy and young girl under the same roof  leads to something ,you know  he laughed, he was  fully  intoxicated and didn't knew what he was speaking 

Rocky closed his eyes in disbelief, a  father didn't recognized his own son, his own blood, he saw the retreating figure of his father vanishing in the darkness of the village as he walks away mumbling something.

The people surrounded were now looking at Reena, reena already knew what they were thinking she shrugged off those thoughts because she didn't care, why to prove her innocence to anyone? And went inside followed by Rocky and then Prakash closed the door, Reena cleaned the kitchen area and went directly to her room.

Rocky was finally clamed down a bit,When Prakash came to Rocky

'How long this has been happening?'
Rocky asked coldly, 

Prakash 'he has been coming here When his pockets are empty, my mother did a grave mistake ."  

Prakash'Rocky here, it is time now I have to return what's yours'

Prakash forwarded a Nuptial chain, Rocky saw it after many years. It was his mother's his father slapped his mother infront of him when she refused to give him that Nuptial chain for his Alcohol expenses and snatched it from her forcefully. It was a simple one. Didn't had much gold in it.

Rocky took it from Prakash and kept in his bag safely.

'Mama I am leaving tomorrow,'  Rocky said.

Hey hey
Everyone, I hope you're liking the story, it's not boring I guess, please vote.,comment and stay connected with the story,and guys I might not be able to update the next week because of my sessional exams, I have back to back exams no holidays in between 🫠😭

And do you guys want character sketch type of something? Let me know in the comments

Stay tune ❤️ 

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