Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Upon entering Ron’s room, we found that Hermione had arrived at the Burrow while we had been getting Harry.  Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, the twins, and I talked well into the night.  We could hardly sleep in anticipation for the next day.

            I was woken up ridiculously early by Ginny shaking my shoulder gently.  “Come on now, we’ve got to get ready for the world cup.”  At this, I was up and awake with no chance of falling back to sleep.  I had been eagerly awaiting this day for months.  Jumping up quietly, so as not to wake Sophie, I got dressed, throwing on a green denim skirt with a black tank covered by a mesh top and checked high tops.  It was clear who I was rooting for. 

            An hour later, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Ginny, and I were following Mr. Weasley to the spot where we’d get a portkey to the camp ground where the Quidditch World Cup was being held.  We met up with Cedric and his father around where the portkey was supposed to be.  After arriving at the campsite we parted with the pair and went to find our plot of land. 

            It took Mr. Weasley a good while before he gave up on pitching the tent and finally allowed Harry, Hermione, and I to figure it out.  Even though I am a pureblood, and proud of that, I love all things Muggle as well.  Fred watched me help Harry pitch one of the tents, a bemused look on his face. “What?” I asked, pushing my hair out of my face and looked up at Fred.

            “Oh, nothing, Love.  It’s just, I’m not quite used to seeing you go all Muggle on me,” he chuckled shaking his head and helping me to my feet.

            Laughing, I allowed Fred to help me up.  “Well, get used to it, bud.  That’s just me.  For example, I want water, so let’s go find the nearest well.”  Fred shook his head, smiling, and fell into step next to me. 

            The two of us wondered around for nearly half an hour before we found someplace to get water.  The entire time we were captivated by all of the eccentric tents that families had clearly tried to make homier.  There were fences, lawn decorations, multi-stories, balconies, and even swimming pools.  Fred seemed particularly fascinated by a four-story tent full teen witches and wizards, who seemed to be barely of-age, that had an in ground pool and tanning beds.  It looked like something straight out of The Jersey Shore.  Finally, we reached the never-ending line for water. 

            While on line, Fred and I saw some of our classmates from Hogwarts: Katie Bell, Alicia Spinnet, Cormac Mclaggen and even Oliver Wood, among others.  We learned Oliver had signed with a pro Quidditch team now that he had graduated Hogwarts, which was fantastic, and Katie, Alicia, Fred, and I were all stoked for the upcoming Hogwarts season.  Fred, however, was not too thrilled to see Cormac.  “Slimey, pretty-boy, git” Fred spat under his breath after the boy walked away. 

            “Have a problem with Mclaggen, do you Fred?” I teased, nudging him lightly and winking.

            “I just think he’s a pompous git,” he grumbled, making me giggle.

            I smirked up at Fred, deciding to mess with him a bit longer.  “Ah, be that as it may, he is gorgeous.  And Quidditch has done wonders to his body, I’m sure.”

            Fred shot me a dirty, disgusted look, like I had put something foul under his nose, but didn’t say anything to me as he filled the bucket with water.  The two of us walked in uneasy silence for about a quarter-hour, until I couldn’t take the awkwardness any longer; it was killing me.

            “Oh come off it Fred,” I scowled.  “You know bloody well I was joking.  I can’t stomach Mclaggen just as much as you can’t stomach the prick.  Stop being so right bloody stubborn!”

Love Isn't Easy: A Fred Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now