Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

            The next morning I woke up groggily with Sophie in my arms.  Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I noticed that my back was up against something solid.  Maybe it was a wall.  It was then that I realized the wall was breathing.  Okay, so not a wall then, I thought to myself, trying in my half asleep state to recall the previous night.  Suddenly, everything

from the night before came rushing back to me; then I realized what the figurative wall was and a blush crept up my face.  Fred and George had refused to allow Sophie and I out of their sight after we had gotten back to The Burrow.  We had been sitting in the twins’ room scheming up new products and marketing ideas for Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes for all of twenty minutes before we dozed off.         

            Fred threw his arm around my waist and groaned softly, “’morning,” he mumbled.

            “Is it morning or late at night?” I asked, trying to distract myself from the closeness of

our bodies. 

            Fred chuckled, holding me tighter, “Technically I think it’s around one AM so I’m

 going to stick with ‘morning.”

            “Mmm sounds good to me,” I lazily complied and dozed back off.  I was awoken by a bright camera flash and Fred falling out of the bed in surprise.

            I poked my head over the side of the bed to look down at Fred.  He was tangled up in the sheets with his hair a tousled mess, wearing only boxers and a t-shirt.  “Scared of a camera are we, Fred?” I giggled.  “And you two,” I turned to Ginny and Hermione who were doubled over laughing in the doorway.  “What the hell are you doing?”

            Hermione looked sheepishly at the two of us.  Ginny, however, was not ashamed in the least.  “You two were too adorable.  We absolutely needed to get a picture of it,” she smirked.  I groaned and fell backwards, covering my face with one of Fred’s pillows.  It smells musky and like…well…like Fred…I shook my head and groaned again, trying to clear my head of those thoughts.  “Now we have the proof!” Ginny laughed waving the camera and prancing away.

            “No you don’t!” I called out leaping gracefully off the bed and racing after her.  I passed George carrying Sophie in the hall on my way out.  George just shook his head and chuckled.

            “What exactly is going on?” he asked Fred.

            “Well, Ginny took a picture of Maddie and I, so Maddie is, of course, chasing after her to destroy all proof,” Fred answered, disentangling himself from the sheets and standing up.

            George gave his twin a knowing look.  “So what exactly were you doing to her that she needs to destroy all evidence?”

            “Shuddup ya wanker!  We had just fallen asleep in my bed, you know that.  Nothing happened, I swear!!”

            “What’s all the shouting about?” Ron asked and entered the room, followed by Harry.

            “Ginny and Hermione caught my twin trying to get it in with Maddie.  There’s apparently photographic proof which Maddie is now chasing Ginny down for,” George explained, dead serious. 

            Fred punched his twin’s arm, “That is not what happened and you bloody well know that!  After we got back from the Cup, George, Maddie and I passed out talking.  Maddie and I just happened to be in the same bed.  Ginny and Hermione seemed to find it entertaining.”

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