Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

            “Ginny, Hermione, this is stupid.  This dress is way too much.  I look like I’m ready to get bloody married,” I complained, trying to persuade my friends to let me stay in the dormitory instead of going to the Yule Ball. 

            “There’s no way you’re getting out of this,” Ginny frowned, hands on her hips.  “You look absolutely stunning.  If everything goes according to plan tonight, Fred is one lucky boy.”

            “You really do look beautiful,” Hermione beamed at me.  She looked beautiful as well, almost unrecognizable.  They both looked gorgeous actually, much older than thirteen and fourteen. 

            I looked in the mirror one last time.  I really must admit, I actually did look pretty tonight.  I felt like a princess.  The dress was a deep purplish-red color with a tight fitted bodice and filled out into a ball gown with a bit of a train.  Really, it was more elaborate than what other girls were wearing tonight, but it was just so beautiful and so, well so me, that I hadn’t been able to resist it.  Ginny had pinned my hair up in an extremely elegant up-do and Hermione had done my make-up in a very natural looking way.  She and Ginny had insisted they do my hair and makeup because they said if I did it, I would end up looking too scene or emo.  Okay, so they were probably right.

            “Well,” I took a deep breath and turned to the other two girls, “here goes nothing.  Let’s go.”  The two girls nodded and we headed down to the common room. 

            “Orders are for you to wait here until we go down.  Then, you make your grand entrance,” Ginny told me when we reached the top of the stairs.


            “George’s,” Hermione elaborated.  “I think he’s down there talking to Fred and Angelina.  This way, Fred will be there for your grand entrance.  And girl, with the way you look right now, I don’t care what Angelina’s wearing, he’s going to be jealous.”

            The two girls then gracefully made their way down the stairs.  I gave it about two minutes before I went down.  Taking a deep breath I took the first step.  Even though I was used to being in the spotlight (I was the twins’ best friend after all) I found myself extremely nervous and vulnerable.  What if Fred is apathetic about all this?  I think I’ll die!!  I thought to myself as I slowly made my way down the stairs.  Finally, I made it to the common room.  George was looking up at me with a huge grin of his face. 

            ‘Wow,’ I saw him say, eyebrows raised.  Hearing this, Fred turned to see what his twin was looking at.  He saw me and his eyes widened, his mouth hanging slightly open.  Our eyes locked and it was like all of the muggle movies I love watching, with time standing still and everyone else disappearing.  There was only Fred and I as I slowly made my way over to the small group.  He turned from me when Angelina touched his arm and called his name somewhat shrilly, glaring at me.  Just like that, the magic was broken.  Angelina dragged Fred out of the portrait hole before I made it over to them, leaving only George and myself.

            “You look beyond gorgeous Maddie,” George complimented, taking my hand and kissing it lightly.  “I really am one lucky guy to have you as a date, course I already knew that.  And this has definitely done the trick.  Fred couldn’t take his eyes off of you, he was captivated and speechless.” 

            I threw my arms around George’s neck, giving him a huge hug.  “I’m the lucky one George.  You gave up taking a serious date so that I could try to make this work with Fred.  You really are the best friend a girl could ask for,” I whispered in his ear.

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