Chapter 16

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One afternoon, I sat between Fred and Hermione in the kitchen where everyone happened to be hanging out, leaning lazily up against Fred’s side.  Mr. Weasley stood in front of the fireplace, looking at the room full of people staring up at him.  “Well, ah, there’s good news and bad news…” he began.  “The good news is that Harry is coming to stay with us for the rest of the summer.  He’ll be arriving tonight with Mad-Eye, Tonks, Kingsley, Lupin, and a few others.”

            “Then what’s the bad news, Dad?” Ginny asked, looking worried.

            He rubbed his face with one hand almost nervously and took a deep breath.  “You see, we’ve received news that Harry has a trial in front of the Wizingamot for the underage use of magic.”

            “English please dad,” Ron rolled his eyes.

            “Yes, um, well it means that, ah, he used a Patronus and the Ministry caught him.  He now has to go on trial in front of the Wizingamot and they’ll determine if he can return to Hogwarts.”  As soon as he finished, the room was in an uproar.  Ginny, my dad and I were all just really pissed, Hermione looked near tears, and Ron and the twins were all in a shocked silence. 

            “That’s bloody ridiculous!” I screamed indignantly.

            “They can’t do that!!” Ginny yelled, just as pissed as I was.

            “Girls that is ENOUGH!!!” Mrs. Weasley stopped us.  “Now there is going to be an Order meeting so upstairs all of you and we’ll send Harry up when he gets here.”  We all complied and filed out of the kitchen, nobody really wanting to argue with Mrs. Weasley.  Fred, however, stayed behind and I could hear him arguing with his mother. 

            “Mum, it’s just for one day!”

             “Freddie I already said no.  It’s far too dangerous!”

            “It’ll be fine!  Do you really think You-Know-Who or any of his Death Eaters are going to track us to Tokyo for one night?”  I couldn’t hear the rest of the argument so I scooped Sophie up from where she was playing on the stairs and made my way up to my bedroom.  A few minutes later, Fred came in and sat next to me on the bed. 

We watched Sophie play with her dolls in silence for a few minutes before I put my head on his shoulder.  “So what was all that with your Mum about then?”

“You heard?”

I cocked an eyebrow and smirked up at him.  “Kind of hard not to.”

“Touché,” Fred chuckled.  “Well, I know our seven month anniversary was last week, but I wanted to get Mum’s permission and make sure the plans were finalized before telling you.  I got us tickets to see My Chemical Romance perform in Tokyo tomorrow night.”

“Freddie, no you didn’t!!!” I screamed standing up and jumping up and down.  I leaned down and kissed Fred deeply before turning away and facing my closet.  “What am I going to wear?!” Fred laughed and left me to figure out my outfit for tomorrow.

After laying everything out, I found Fred and George with Sophie in their room.  They were working with the Extendable ears while she was coloring.  “Momma Momma lookie what I drew!” she giggled happily up at me when I came in.  She held up her paper.  “It’s Momma and Dadda and Uncle Georgie and Grandma and Papa and Grandpa and me!”

“I see that sweetheart.  It’s so good!” I smiled warmly down at my little girl.  “How about when the grown-ups’ meeting is over I hang it on the fridge so that everyone can see it.”

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