Writer's block

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Push these feelings down,Edgar!Focus on writing,not Ranpo!- No,he is your rival,you two will never happen!You've been sitting here for hours, and you still have nothing to give!

Edgar Allan Poe,the master architect,a terroriest,a famous author,the third ranked in the Guild,the second best detective,was writing yet another mystery novel for his rival-

-Edogawa Ranpo,the best detective,the brightest ability user, the smartest man alive.

Why?Well,it's because that man betrayed him,the one other person who he thought understood him,the only person he had ever felt a "connection" between himself and another,he should have never trusted him!Worst of all,Ranpo had beaten him in that detective competition all those years ago!

Well,yes,Ranpo did say that he was the only detective whose skills had given him chills.. but..nevermind that!

Edgar,you must hide these feelings,you mustn't let them get to you!Remember what had last time you let that happen?You wrote depressing a poem about mourning a dead loved one!

Yea,that's a bit too.. exaggerated,isn't it?

Well,Ranpo could be counted as a 'dead lover'..seeing how they will never happen..a dead love,if you will..but,Edgar shouldn't focus on that,he should focus on the plan to outsmart Ranpo!

Nevermore,will he be in the shadow of the "best detective in the world",nevermore will he be humiliated!

Now,he won't be beaten again,no,this time,he'll improve his plan,this time,he won't make the mistake of giving anyone in the novel glasses,this time,he'll throw Ranpo into the deep,deep ocean!

But oh,what would he do without Ranpo..?

And throwing him into the ocean..it isn't ideal..whether it's in the novel or in the real world..He wants to outsmart the best detective in the world,not kill him..

Ugh,what to write?What to write?This is whole plan is so dumb!Writing something to outsmart someone who couldn't be outsmarted,how foolish of him..

This isn't the time to doubt yourself,Edgar!Focus on writing...Gah!But what is there to write?He needs something to inspire him!

But nothing happens in this empty mansion.. He should go out.

But where?

He could go meet up with Alcott..or maybe Lovecraft..If he could find him..Ugh,how stupid of him..They probably are sleeping now or busy doing their jobs..who would hang out with him..?

What time is it anyway?He had been writing for a while..

A glance at the grandfather clock in his study tells him it's..

7 a.m.

7 a.m?

What- Huh?- He swore it was 10p.m. a moment ago!-

How much time has passed?

He should probably get some sleep..

But first,he should go prepare some breakfast for himself and Karl..Poor thing must be hungry..And upset..he should apologize to him.

And then after that he should go sleep,now that he thinks about it,he's terribly tired..


509 words.

~A/N~ Hello!!This is my first fanfic soooo any comments on the fic,good or bad,would really be of help to me!!Also if anyone here is ooc please bare with me here,it's a bit hard to keep track of thier backstorys (Especially Poe) and their real life counterparts,like Ranpo's (Tarō Hirai) because the name "Edogawa Ranpo" is a rendering of Poe's name,im still thinking on how to incorporate that into this fic :D

This is so bad,Lmao,idk what direction I'm going,this fic is gonna be a mess!! Yayy!!!

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