2. violence isn't the answer, it's the question and the answer is 'yes'

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The only reason the hell called high school is not actually the same as the real Hell is because, eventually, it ends.

Delighted to be free for the day, Dabi nearly sprints out of the building, eager to leave both math and Keigo as far behind as humanly possible. Only, the sight that meets him right outside is enough of a nasty surprise for his body to freeze in place. It's so gruesome and horrible that, for a short moment of foolishness, he actually considers going back inside.

Because right there, surrounded by a bunch of awed teenagers with flushed cheeks and sparkling eyes, stands Endeavor, in all his heroic glory. He's dressed in his usual hero costume, which, coupled with the way his muscles flex under the spandex and how he's easily towering over everyone, makes for a rather intimidating picture. The man is tapping his leg impatiently, seeming indifferent to his young fans – and, hey, that's just like with his children! – but the moment his gaze lands on Dabi, his expression gets twisted with rage.

Great. That's exactly what Dabi needs right now. His father making a scene.

That was not sarcasm, by the way. He really wants Endeavor to start something unpleasant between them – he could use a fight, what with the tension buzzing insistently under his skin. If he's lucky, someone would see and report it, and he would get expelled right here right now. Then he wouldn't have to worry about any more stupid tests.

Endeavor does nothing to indicate he's going to initiate a confrontation though. Instead, he simply continues glaring. The only choice Dabi has is either to face the inevitable scolding or run back inside, like a coward. Resigned to his fate, he sighs and drags his feet towards the man. The entire time, people are staring – at him, at Endeavor, at anything their simple brains find interesting. They're probably curious what it's like to have such a high ranking hero for a father, Dabi guesses bitterly.

Shitty, is the answer. But none of them would want to hear it.

The little group of delusional Endeavor fans flee once they notice his arrival – he must still have it, at least a bit, he concludes – leaving the man to stand alone in the middle of the schoolyard, waiting. However, Dabi has no intention of stopping for a chat, walking right past the man as though he doesn't even see him. He spots no sign of the usual black car his chauffeur drives, but that's fine. He can take the bus.

"Touya," Endevor calls out to him with barely controlled anger, an unspoken order clear in his tone. "Took you long enough."

"Do I know you?" Dabi responds innocently, without bothering to turn around. "My mum told me not to speak to strangers. Sorry."

"Stop that." Oh no, he sounds irritated! Whatever Dabi should do about it? "Do you always have to act like a child?"

"I don't know," he challenges, throwing the man an unimpressed look over his shoulder. "Do you always have to act like an abusive asshole?"

The little vein on his father's forehead twitches as the men grits his teeth, his face slowly but surely beginning to turn red. There's a thunder in his eyes, complimented by an ugly grimace marring his face. The iconic fire beard is gone for the moment, but the flames over his collar flicker threateningly with each of Endeavor's breaths, as if only waiting for an excuse to be released.

Just to be sure, Dabi glances back at the school building to check if they have any cameras. Obviously, with so many students watching them – albeit from afar – finding a witness probably wouldn't be a problem. The question is whose side they would take.

Only a few tones from outright growling, Endeavor grits out, "I told you not to speak to me like that. I am your father."

"Are you?" Dabi asks flippantly, an unpleasant grin stretching on his lips. "Haven't noticed."

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