8. to be or not to be (dabi)

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When Dabi arrives at school the next morning, everyone is acting weirdly excited. It immediately fills him with dread. Anyone who's ever had to spend any amount of time with children knows that 'excited' is literally the worst thing a child can be. And, whether he liked it or not, Dabi has had a lot of experience with children.

(With Toga, for example, 'excited' usually meant someone was going to get stabbed. With his siblings, as proven by their latest 'exciting' outing, it might very likely lead to Dabi getting arrested. And with Shigaraki, who might have not officially been a child in the most common definition but was definitely still one at heart, it almost always ended with them having to buy a new pad. And sweep the floor.

So, yeah, sue him for being a bit sceptical.)

It doesn't take him long to find out what has them all in such a frenzy. Honestly, he would have found out even if he didn't want to know, what with how loud everyone is being. He supposes the definition of whispering must have evolved while he wasn't looking. Or, maybe, the secrecy is only fun when everyone is in on the secret.

Apparently, there's a rumour going around that a 'big' surprise is waiting for the hero course students and that it's going to be announced during today's homeroom. That's what Dabi and Keigo gather from the loud whispering anyway, but it's confirmed when they bump into Rumi on their way to their classroom. She refuses to give them any specifics but promises it's going to be fun, before waving them off with a wink. Keigo is thrilled. Dabi – whose definition of 'fun' differs considerably – not so much.

When they eventually reach their classroom, they are greeted by the sight of the blackboard covered with a white sheet. This has never happened before as far as Dabi is aware, therefore it's safe to assume they aren't being pranked and that the rumours must hold some truth to them. There is certainly some sort of a surprise prepared for them, no doubt about that. It's the 'fun' part that Dabi is still not so sure about.

Most of their classmates have already taken their seats and are now busy whispering among themselves animatedly, proposing various theories about what might hide behind this sheet. Some of their ideas are pretty tame or at least reasonable, but some others he manages to overhear border on ridiculous. For example, someone suggests there are already too many heroes out there and so, they're going to vote someone out of their class. Coincidentally, right at that moment, a large number of people direct their not-so-friendly glances at Dabi.

He ignores the stupid children and lets Keigo drag him to their own desks, where he carelessly drops his backpack to the floor and then flops down on the chair, letting out an exaggerated groan.

"They will make us do things," he whines, throwing his head back and starting to swing idly on the chair. "I can feel it. It's going to be something productive," he says the last word as if he was saying dog shit or Endeavor and shudders theatrically.

Keigo rolls his eyes at him, taking his own seat in a perfectly normal way, making sure to emphasize how gently he puts his own bag down. "Oh, no. You will have to stop lazing around. However will you survive."

Dabi shrugs, seemingly unbothered. "I can just not do it, whatever it is. It's not like I care."

"Sure." Keigo smirks knowingly, eyeing the thick math textbook that is conveniently sticking out from Dabi's backpack. "Whatever you say."

Dabi can feel his cheeks heat up, as he fruitlessly tries to kick the backpack away so the damned book won't be visible.

"Shut up."

It's nice, this familiar bickering. Dabi was worried the fight would make things awkward between them but it seems like their talk yesterday brought their relationship back on the right track. Keigo has been all smiles ever since they met up at the gates and haven't mentioned their disagreement at all, so Dabi assumes they are pretending it never happened. It works for him – he would much rather they go back to the way they were before, with the new understanding of each other, than start treading around each other on their toes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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