7. hello and goodbye

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When he eventually arrives at school, he only has five minutes to spare.

After throwing a quick thank you to Present Mic and three more assurances that yes, he's sure he's fine and no, he wouldn't rather go home, he basically runs to their classroom, not in the mood for another lecture from his annoying homeroom teacher. He hasn't had a chance to grab the ugly uniform, so he's probably going to get one anyway, but, hey, a guy can hope.

He bursts in just in time and quickly takes his seat, paying no mind to the stares he gets. He must be quite a sight – especially since the only clothes his size Aizawa could lend him were a Present-Mic-themed t-shirt and a pair of black tracksuit pants. Not to mention the general paleness and exhaustion that comes with barely surviving a stab wound.

The moment Keigo sees him, his eyes widen comically and it's almost like there's a big, fat question mark all over his face. Dabi shoots him a dry smile and whispers, "Later."

The classes after that are a general nightmare, nothing new. He barely manages to keep his eyes open, his mouth is constantly being stretched by uninvited yawns and, honestly, he's glad he doesn't have to move much, because he would most likely collapse on his face if he had to so much as walk over to another classroom. All of that earns him quite a lot of concerned glances from Keigo, which only serves to make him feel worse – he's so not looking forward to explaining all of that mess.

Eventually, there comes the lunch break. Everyone eagerly rushes out of the room, laughing and chatting, and making Dabi's headache ten times worse. Soon, the only ones left are him, Keigo and the weird quiet kid, who's bobbling his head slowly to something in his headphones.

"The roof?" Keigo asks, and doesn't even wait for the response before standing up.

Dabi considers the prospect of walking up all those stairs and shivers.

"I'm not moving."

Keigo eyes him strangely for a moment. "Oookay," he says, then sits back down and reaches into his backpack for his lunch.

Dabi can only stare in envy as his stomach twists into knots. He was in such a hurry to leave he didn't even think about asking Aizawa or Present Mic for food. Sure, he could technically go to the cafeteria and buy something, but then he would have to move...

Yeah, starving it is.

"So, what's up?" his friend asks, chewing on his sandwich. "I mean, no offence, but you look like shit."

"Later," Dabi repeats, then lets his head rest against his arms on the desk. The lunch break is quite long. Maybe he can catch some sleep? Damn, he would kill for an energy drink. Sure, they might be awful for your health and full of sugar, but if he managed to survive a stab would, he figures a can of good old Monster can't do much worse.

"Come on, nobody's here. Whatever secretive thing you got up to last night, you can tell me now."


"Man, you're no fun," Keigo whines, still chewing on his sandwich. Did no one ever teach him any manners? "Do you want me to guess? What, were you busy robbing a bank?"

"What for? I've got my dad's credit card. I bet there's more money on it than in some lame bank."

Keigo hums, as though actually thinking. "Okay, fair. Let me think, what other crimes are there...? Did you steal a car? And drove it into a wall?"

Dabi raises his head the slightest bit to glare at him. "Why are you so convinced I was committing a crime?"

Keigo shrugs. "Well, you don't want to talk about it, I figured it must have been something naughty." Then, his eyes light up and a mischievous smile blooms on his face. "Oooooh. Oh, I know – where you out... fornicating with someone?"

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