5. everything would be so much easier if killing people was legal

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Some people would probably argue that going out to illegally hunt criminals the same day you've been arrested for doing just is not a very bright idea – and Aizawa would absolutely be one of those people – but when has Dabi ever cared about other people's opinions? His fists are itching for a fight, his eyes refuse to close after he's slept through the afternoon, and if he has to look at another equation tonight he swears he's going to set something on fire.

Most likely Endeavor.

And Dabi doesn't think Aizawa would appreciate that, either. Not that he cares what the man thinks, of course.

Still, after all the fussing from his mother, the shitty treatment from the police and having to deal with his father's bullshit, Dabi desperately needs to let out some steam. What's a better way to do that than go beat up some assholes?

(Dabi doesn't have a therapist, but if he did, he's sure they would tell him that violence isn't a healthy coping mechanism. To which his response would probably be that sex and drugs aren't an available option right now, so he takes what he can get.

Maybe that's why he doesn't have a therapist.)

And, well, Aizawa still needs to give him back his phone. It only makes sense to go, he reasons.

Sneaking out is as easy as always, which comes as a bit of a surprise. He sort of expected Endeavor to be on some higher alert after that disaster, but it doesn't seem to be the case, if the loud snoring coming from the man's bedroom is anything to go by. It's strange, but Dabi isn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. It's very likely that Endeavor is just too much of an idiot to think any of his children would dare to do something like that.

He isn't even out of his neighbourhood when he catches his first criminal of the night. An older man, ridiculously richly dressed, being threatened by some muscly guy with a fake gun and a creepy smile. Dabi rolls his eyes, briefly considers letting the criminal do his part because honestly, fuck capitalism and fuck rich people, but eventually takes him out anyway, just because he looks so sketchy, and leaves before the victim can even think about thanking him.

He probably shouldn't have done that, he realises almost immediately. He most likely wouldn't, if it was any other day. Not only because of his personal feelings towards rich assholes, but also because his neighbourhood is not exactly a great place for vigilanting. Too big of a chance of some wealthy bastard snitching on him to the authorities. After all, people here have heroes – they don't need vigilantes. But tonight he just really wanted to punch someone. Which, again, he really shouldn't have done. Especially now that he would most likely be kept under some surveillance from the police. He doesn't want to end up back at the precinct, thank you very much.

He manages to stifle any further violent urges until he gets to his usual area of 'work'. But the moment he steps into the darkness, the moment the familiar grim alleys start singing to him with their melody of crime, he's gone. In the next two hours, he stops another mugging, two rape attempts, one burglary and one unimaginative bullying session, and he has a hell of a time doing it. The wound on his chest stings something awful with every sharp move, but somehow, the pain only makes it better. Makes him feel more alive.

Such a large number of crimes is nothing out of the ordinary – in big cities like this, there is always something shady happening, some assholes whose faces need rearranging. What is very much out of the ordinary though is that he's been out here for so long and yet Aizawa has not shown up. Usually, it only takes about two arrests for the man to find him (and pretend to scold him while doing nothing to actually stop him), so his current absence doesn't bode well. Is it possible that the man took a day off? Dabi finds it hard to believe. Aizawa doesn't seem like the kind of guy who takes days off. Maybe he's busy with something big? But Dabi is pretty sure he would know if there was anything big going on, so it can't be it. Maybe he didn't think Dabi would be stupid enough to go out after what happened earlier and just decided not to bother with searching for him?

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