𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗 | Make A Wish

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           "And then they banished him. Just like that," Nova recounted to Wesley, sitting face to face in their tent. Nova shared the events of the previous night involving Charlotte and Murphy, her emotions shifting from sadness to anger towards Bellamy, Clarke, and everyone involved.

"That's fucked up."

Nova looks towards him, "Yeah. I know." Her attention then shifting to the uprising commotion coming from outside of the tent. The two look at each other before scrambling to get outside and see what's going on.

They look up to see a bright light soaring through the sky. Nova nudges Wes with a smirk, "Make a wish."

"That's not a shooting star you idiot."

She raises an eyebrow turning to face him, "Yeah? What is it then?" She says before adding, "And don't call me an idiot, you ass."

He huffs, "First of all, shut up." Nova looks at him and pretends to zip her mouth up before he continues, "Second of all, it looks like a pod from the Ark." His words cause Nova to hum in response, looking back up towards the sky.

"Please tell me they brought down some shampoo." A random girl from the crowd says, causing Wesley to furrow his eyebrows. That's her biggest concern?

"Someone needs to sort out their priorities." Nova mumbles to Wes, before Octavia catches her eye, her face instantly lighting up before she rushes over to the girl.

"Hey Tavia." She says greeting her with a small hug. Octavia hugs her back, before letting go but keeping one arm wrapped around the girls shoulder.

Nova leans her head on Octavia, "So what do you say we go figure out what's in that pod?" After receiving a nod from the Blake girl, the delinquents around all continue murmuring amongst the group about the plan to get to the pod.

The two girls begin to walk away from the group, and into the tent that Bellamy was in, "We should get going. Everyone's ready."

"No one's going anywhere. Not while it's dark, it isn't safe. We'll head out at first light. Pass the word." He replies, everyone around him beginning to exit the tent to spread his word around. Bellamy, went to follow them, but his attempt was blocked by Octavia,

"Everyone for a hundred miles saw this thing come down. What if the grounders get to it first? Bell, we should go now"

Nova hums in agreement, not wanting to speak with the boy, but feeling the need to show him that she agrees with Octavia.

He looks between the two before repeating himself, "I said we wait till sunrise."


           The two girls sit silently together by the drop ship. Nova can't put a finger on the exact reason why Bellamy insists on waiting until the morning— he must be planning something, she concludes.

Looking around, Nova sees a figure in the distance sneaking away from the camp. She taps Octavia on the shoulder gesturing towards the figure. "Is that—"


The two girls instantly shoot up from their seats beginning to attempt to catch up to him. Nova muttering an incoherent string of curses under her breath at the idiocy of the boy.

They quicken their paces to be able to reach the boy when Octavia yells out, "Bellamy, what are you doing?"

He instantly stops running, and turns around the face the girls. As they are about to reach him he instructs, "Go back to camp, it isn't safe."

Nova scoffs, "What the hell are you doing, Blake?"

Octavia adds on, "You lied to everyone. You lied to me. You just want whatever's in that pod." Her words are cut off when she is met with a shove.

"Just go home."

"You always want to play big brother, huh? Well guess what? Jokes on me. You're just a selfish dick."

He instantly fires back, "I did this for you. To protect you. If the Ark finds out we're alive, they'll come down. And when they do—" He takes a breath before adding on, "I'm dead."

Furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, Nova questions, "What do you mean you're dead?"

At the same time, Octavia says, "What did you do?"

Bellamy pauses for a moment, and Nova takes that moment to brace herself for whatever he's about to say to explain his fear of the Ark coming down. "I shot him. I shot Jaha."

Letting out a small gasp she whispers, "What?"

He looks toward Octavia, "I found out they were sending you to Earth. I couldn't let you go alone. Someone came to me with a deal. Do this, kill him, and they'd get me on the dropship. And I did it." Novas mind instantly goes to Shumway. He's the only one sneaky enough to pull a stunt like that.

"You killed the chancellor?"

The two siblings go back and forth, but Nova is zoned out thinking about what Bellamy's previous words. He killed Jaha. Her attention is pulled from her thoughts as Octavia grabs her arm and begins to pull her away from the boy, "I didn't ask for any of this."

As the two continue walking through the forest, the eery noise of the forest around them begins to fuel their paranoia.

Hearing a sound of movement in the surrounding trees, they quickly whip around trying to spot the source of the noise.

Nova whispers, "Is someone following us?"

It sounds almost as if something is circling around them— following them. Nova grabs onto Octavia's arm and the two begin to run, pushing through all the branches in their way.

They pause briefly, glancing back to check for any followers before emerging into an open clearing. Surveying the area, they realize their only way to freedom is down a steep rocky hill. Nova takes the lead, beginning to dash down the slope with Octavia trailing close behind.

As Nova glances behind, she notices Octavia beginning to trip, resulting in a collision that sent them both rolling down the hill. By the time they reached the bottom, they were knocked unconscious.

Next to Nova, who was unconscious, Octavia's eyes slowly fluttered open. As she tried to make sense of her surroundings, she found herself staring up at a man dressed in thick garments with two bold stripes of black paint on his face, looming over her.

I promise after this there will be more nova and bellamy interactions🤗
Word count: 1.1k

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