Chapter 3

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Recap- Red steals a mans watch and stuff. We learn of Lykos. Red decides to see Wolf.  

I never really had a name for the wolf. I just called him Wolf. There wasn't a name to go with him.

I walked through the woods. It was so quiet and peaceful. I remembered when I'd first come to the woods. They seemed dark and scary, but when I met Wolf, it was all okay.

I didn't remember much of my past, just screaming and shouting. People telling me to run. I didn't really bother to look back at it. The past was where it was, and where it was supposed to stay.

I yawned and stretched absentmindedly. I wondered where Lykos was. He knew I left at night- but never really questioned it.

There was a low growl, and I was pushed softly onto the floor. I groaned softly as the big oaf plopped his massive head on my small stomach.

A small rumbling sound resonated from him, it vibrated through my small frame.

"Oh get off me, Wolf," I said, laughing softly.

He suddenly erupted growling and snarling- but a small glint in his eyes showed me that he was playing.

Giggling slightly, I pushed him off and slowly sat up against a tree.

"Sorry, I'm late," I said, yawning. I smiled remembering the first moment I saw him. It was scary, but then we got used to each other. After I had fallen asleep on my first night, I woke up in a bed- I met Lykos from there on. Claiming that he found me on his doorstep.

Then I started visiting the Wolf at night. Lykos had trained me, while I was still young so I have many skills now.

He never did age, and never really did tell me his name. Others called him the Unknown because he was so dangerous. I'd never actually seen him do something horrible, but the stories accounted for it anyway.

I closed my eyes and curled up next to Wolf. I was slightly cold from one side to he brought his big tail and covered my side.

The chilly night seeped into my bones, freezing me from inside. I frowned. It wasn't usually this cold...

A snarl of aggression and fury ripped through his chest, vibrating my whole frame. This wasn't playful. In a second he was up and in a protective position around my small body, hackles raised and ready to jump. He looked very terrifying.

I stood up quickly and extracted my dagger. He had never before reacted like this.

" Wolf?" I whispered softly.

Another terrifying growl tore through his chest, shaking the trees. It was so powerful, it made me want to curl up in a small ball. His teeth were bared, canines extended. I looked to where he was growling at.

Not a second later, a pack of wolves emerged. Small, starved. Shaking.

There coats dull and a foul smell was carried as they slowly circled around us. I'd never fought wolves- I knew their reflexes was much quicker than a human, so I had to adapt and see how my Wolf was fighting.

I bit my lip and grabbed a few throwing knives. They followed my every movement, there eyes hardly on Wolf.

They suddenly lunged, it was so unexpected I flinched and took a step back.

I frowned. I never took a step back. A growl brought me back to my senses. And a sudden pain erupted on my cheek.

I moved quickly, my moves practised and precise. I slashed my dagger and when it met the belly of the beast, I ripped downwards. Blood splattering on my face and guts falling on the floor.

I quickly ducked as another wolf lunged at me and without a second thought, I threw a knife at him.

A painful howl brought me back to searching for Wolf, who was surrounded by five dead wolves and one be was currently mauling. I looked away just in time to see the wolf that I had got in the eye, limping away.

He wouldn't get far.

I gulped when Wolf had finished.

I was quick to get to him, checking for any injuries. He whined and licked the left side of my cheek. Wincing slightly as it stung. I smelt blood.

I brought my hand up, swiping my cheek and feeling something warm.

"Shit. " I cursed. "Lykos going to kill me."

He carried on licking it without making a sound. I moved away.

"I have to go, the Sun is rising. Hopefully, Lykos won't be there so I can stitch it up." I bit my lip, before kissing the area in between his eyes.

I got up- or at least tried too. My legs were like jelly and I could hardly move. I fell back down to the cold ground. I guess the adrenaline and fatigue got to me. 

Wolf seemed to find this funny, despite the fact he killed about six wolves. I swear this Wolf was bipolar. He snorted in a way I could only consider laughing.

I stuck out my tongue at him, and together, we both walked back home. 


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