Chapter 3: Can't get away, so just suck it up.

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For the next few days, y/n does everything in her power to stay away from Dazai. He's not able to stick by her side for even half an hour before she finds a way to disappear from his sight. And, by the sunset of the third day, y/n is sure that Dazai's about ready to give up now.

    She sits now in the library, hidden out of sight in a hammock tucked away in a quiet corner. She's certain she has a while till Dazai eventually finds her, since she left him with the false security that she was hanging out in her room. He was probably still stationed by the door, unaware of the bedsheet y/n used to get out of her window and down to the window below. It was his fault that he trusted she actually planned on staying in her room, really.

     The cut she had gained on her calf from escaping was well worth it for this period of peace away from Dazai. She really had tried to like him, but his looming presence was a constant reminder of her grounding. And his cocky attitude was really good at annoying her, along with the constant smile he had. He knew he was annoying and he embraced it.

    However, y/n's moment alone is ruined as she hears footsteps approaching where she has hidden herself. She remains as still as possible, even controlling her breathing, in hopes that whoever is nearby doesn't hear her. But evidently it fails, as y/n hears the distinct noise of a sword clattering on the ground as they sit down beside her. She sighs, already knowing it was Dazai. How he had found her so soon was a complete mystery.

    "The window thing was pretty clever, your majesty." Dazai praises, even if it means nothing because she was caught almost immediately.

    "How'd you know I had left?"

     "Well, you're not all that graceful going down a window. And the maids from the floor below told me." y/n can't see his face, but by his tone, she can tell he's wearing a smug smirk.

    Y/n grumbles quietly and turns in her hammock, wincing at the pain it sends through her leg. It was quiet, but somehow the man on the floor was able to decipher it.

    "How bad's the scratch?" He asked.

     Y/n leaned up in the hammock and frowned at him. "How did you know about-"

    "You just winced, the window had a sharp edge, I could figure out the rest." He shrugs. "So how is it?"

    "It doesn't matter."

     Dazai just sighs, "Okay, if you say so, Princess."

     "I do." She retorts quickly. "And don't tell my father about it. He really doesn't need to be worrying about it. And... in return, I'll try not to do it so often..."

    Dazai nods, seemingly happy with their compromise. They remain there, sitting in complete silence, until there is no more light coming from the library windows and the room is just illuminated by dim candles. It's the longest Y/n has been around Dazai without trying to leave before, so Dazai makes no attempt to end it. Y/n finally decides to turn in for the night, shutting her book and getting off of the hammock. Dazai follows after her silently as she returns to her room.

    As they walk back, y/n extends her leg a little too much and the muscle around the cut strains, causing another pain to go shooting up her calf. Dazai shoots y/n a curious look, but y/n ignores him and keeps on walking.

    "Sleep well, your majesty." Dazai calls before y/n shuts the door, his tone mocking towards the end. Y/n rolls her eyes and slams the door shut. Behind the closed door, she can hear Dazai exhale and return to his post at the side of the door.

    When Dazai knocks on y/n's door the next day to call her for breakfast, he's surprised to find y/n open the door and tell him to wait a moment. Most usually, she would either sneak out before Dazai could arrive in the mornings, or she would completely ignore him. Not long after, she opened the door again, her hair braided and wearing a simple, light pink dress.

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