Chapter 4: The punishment just gets more annoying

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    The days after y/n's worsened grounding are a living hell. Y/n can't do anything without having four or five guards breathing down her neck, practically jumping on top of each other to follow her everywhere. Even Dazai, who she's miraculously beginning to get along with, seems annoyed by their presence. They treat y/n as if she were to be a delinquent, never believing what she says and watching her like a hawk. The entire ordeal gets old real fast, and three days in y/n's just about ready to kill one of them.

    "Where are you off to?" A guard jests as y/n opens the door to her room. Dazai's face warps into annoyance at the guard right next to him.

    "My study..?" Y/n frowns.

    "Sorry, dear, but we can't let you do that." He continues, walking forward and holding a hand in front of y/n to keep her from walking.

    "C'mon, really, Murdock?" Dazai scoffs.

    The guard, Murdock, glares at Dazai, obviously annoyed that Dazai wasn't agreeing with him and therefore undermining him. But Dazai doesn't hold up, looking at the guard with a cocked eyebrow and the smirk y/n hated. Seeing that expression being used on someone other than her made y/n satisfied, because she knew just how damn annoying it was.

    "You heard me." Murdock repeats, not letting up on his decision.

    Y/n rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "Why? It's just my study. It's not like I'm planning on escaping through a secret tunnel in there."

    "The king said you only had direct permission to enter the grand hall, the dining hall, and your own room. You'll have to wait till he gets back from his trip and ask for his permission then."

    Y/n groaned in response, "That's so stupid-" Y/n rolls her eyes and scoffs, but she still turns in the direction of the grand hall and wanders off.

As she leaves, she can hear two footsteps start and pause behind her, followed with an awkward shuffle. She turns to see a guard posted nearby and sir. Dazai having a stand-off, both preparing to follow behind her. Dazai's hand instinctively runs over the hilt of the sword on his hip and the guard glares back at him. Y/n almost believes she's going to see them fight.

    "Hey, why don't you let the knight do his job." Murdock sneers, adding a mocking tone as he spoke of Dazai's position. Dazai's eyes flicker between the kid and Murdock as his hands grip around his sword. He could tell the guards didn't respect him or his reputation in the castle. Dazai stares at the kid for a few seconds, his face looking thoroughly displeased before doing a complete 180.

"Sorry man, didn't mean to rush in," He says with a light-hearted smile, raising his hands in the air and backing off. But y/n can tell his attitude is just to calm down the situation, his eyes showing distinctly just how much the young guard had annoyed him.

    But the guard doesn't seem to notice, nodding with an awkward smile and taking a step back, "Y-yeah, I'm sorry..."

     Dazai drops his arms and walks past the young boy, walking up to y/n as his face drops the moment the kid wasn't able to see. She just sighed and continued off to the Great hall. The guards were really becoming a bother. Dazai follows right beside her, waiving off the few guards that catch her on the move and step forward to follow after them. Y/n could tell Dazai was getting annoyed too.

    Y/n, once in the Great Hall finally, throws herself back on a lounge couch. Dazai sits in a small cushioned chair next to her, having to shuffle and drape his cape over the side.

    "I don't see why I need so many people watching me constantly," Y/n complains with one arm over her face.

    Dazai shrugs, "you're very troublesome."

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