Chapter 5: It's not my fault this time, men are impossible!

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    "Princess, if you would allow me to share my opinion, I believe that staying in your room for this long is a little concerning." Dazai's voice calls through the doors of Y/n's bedroom after she stays cooped up for three hours now.

    Y/n sat silently on her bed, staring out her window as she ignored Dazai. Dreams filled her head as she looked over the castle walls, the large window giving her the perfect overlook of the town which she was never allowed in. It was almost like a torture method from her parents, giving her the one room where she can see what she wants so much.

    "My lady?" Dazai calls again, growing impatient as she continues to not respond. "I'll have you know that this game of 'Let's ignore Sir Dazai' is quite confusing for me."

    At last, y/n sighs and pushes herself off of her bed. "Oh, shut it. Why don't you come in here if you care so much," She groans and Dazai almost immediately pulls open the door, showing Y/n a wide grin. He stands with his arms behind his back, looking refreshed and excited.

       Y/n is almost jealous of his constant energy, which contrasts to her seriously low social battery. She stands in front of Dazai with messy, tangled hair, her nightgown still on since that morning with one sleeve falling off her shoulder.

    Dazai's lips curl into a smirk at the sight, "Well, I apologize for ever criticizing that nightgown. It is quite nice on you. Or, at least, I can guess it is. When you're not in such a... disheveled state." He brings a hand up to hide his playful smile.

    "Haha, you find yourself so funny, don't you?" Y/n frowns, her hand moving to shut her door and Dazai's face.

    Dazai quickly pries his fingers through the closing door and pulls it open again, "Oh, c'mon now, there's no need for that-" He starts. Y/n continues to glare, staring at Dazai completely unimpressed.

"Why don't we find something to do today? Don't want you cooped up here all day." Dazai announces, fully throwing open the door and taking in the natural light that Y/n's room gave.

"That's ridiculous." Y/n grumbles. "You're just bored. It isn't my fault you choose to take such a boring job. That's what you get." Y/n sticks her tongue out at Dazai.

"It's my fault I chose to serve my kingdom and take the daunting and challenging task of watching the King and Queen's only daughter?" Dazai gaped, crossing his arms.

Y/n nods slowly, as if it was obvious. "Well, yeah. It's not like it's a hard job."

"You threw me into a pond on my first day."

"Some people lose their lives their first day." Y/n starts.

Dazai's face drops, looking uncomfortable. "Don't say things like that." He scolds.

    But y/n doesn't take his warning seriously. Instead, she continues to press. Y/n's only ever had playful, unserious conversations with Dazai, she doesn't realize he's being serious. "What, like you would know anything about that. The kingdom's strongest and most noble knight? No way you've ever actually been in the field. You look like a dress-up doll."

    "Y/n! I mean it. Shut that mouth of yours before you say something that gets you in trouble." Dazai snaps, voice raising slightly. It's the first time Dazai's ever said Y/n's name that way. He usually was able to be so proper, never forgetting her status when addressing her. "You have no idea the words coming from your mouth."

    Y/n scrambles, mouth slightly open. She suddenly feels ashamed. She was only trying to mess around with the knight as usual, she hadn't realized she'd gone too far till now. Y/n wants to apologize, but the words don't come to her like they should.

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