Chapter 39

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The next morning

"Where's pond?" Gun asked "already head to work sir" yaya lynn replied
"Where's phuwin?" "He's probably sleeping"

" Phuwin? " " Hey? Sweety wake up na " " oh pa sorry i sleep for too long" phuwin said as he hides his face from gun since he cried overnight "Pa can i go out? " " I wanna go to the beach" phuwin said " yes you can, eat lunch you can go later okay? Be careful and head home early pond said he wanna talk to you" " talk to me? " Phuwin asked " yes phu " gun replied and ruffles phuwin's hair as he head to the kitchen to prepare their lunch

" talk to me? You don't want to see me don't waste your words to me pond I'm just useless to talk to" phuwin whisper's to himself as he looks around with a blank face

he forcefully stands up when his body refuse to him he's getting weaker and weaker day by day and this time it's worse he keeps coughing allot

Phuwin's Pov:

it feels comforting here the beach at night looks beautiful the sounds of Waves echoed in my ears as i continued to remember those sounds

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it feels comforting here the beach at night looks beautiful the sounds of Waves echoed in my ears as i continued to remember those sounds

I feel the rough texture of the sand on my feet already brings comfort and heals some part of me i can't explain

The comely beauty of this beach is a sight to behold..... I'll come back again tomorrow or the next day after Tomorrow i wanna feel the breeze of the air again...

It's already midnight since i cane home i expected to get an earful from pa but he just slides it off i headed to the balcony and sat their looking at the beautiful stars shining on its own.... knowing one day I'll become one i don't want to become a star yet i wanna spend time with pond even tho he hates me now.... I didn't mean to shout at him yesterday... But I'll shout at him tonight if he gets home I'll scold him! his so mean to me.... It's alright atleast he talks to me i hope that pretty demon will treat him right after i die

I'm so tired i feel sleepy, I'll wake up later when he gets home

I'm still going to scold him

I wanna go to the beach tomorrow, and the day after was gemgem's graduation

goodnight self.. take care of pond for me..


Sorry y'all i haven't updated yesterday i was so lazy and my brain wasn't working

but anyways phuwin was so adorable yesterday

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