Chapter 25

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"What is it Dad?" Pond ask his father in annoyed tone, "Nothing" off said and smirks "The fuck Dad what is it?" Pond ask "Okay here, Sign those papers and get out" Off said as he toss the paper to pond "The fuck what is it?" "You can read right? Read it bitch stop asking questions" Off said annoying his son "for whom is this money to?" Pond ask out of curiosity "for the Pirapat family" Off answered chilling in his chair "did they owe you money again?" "No" Off said as he snickered at pond "Dude I'm asking serious question" pond said to his father who's sipping coffee "I'm paying them" Off said "what did you bought from them?" "Your wife" Off said calmly "MY WIFE!?" Pond yells out of nowhere and stood up out of shock " shut up your so dramatic " Off said to his son in stern voice " me shut up!? Are you kidding me? " Pond said as he massages his temple " they just sold their son like some sort of stuff!? Are you kidding me!? " Pond yells
" I'm not and shut up "Off said ''give me those papers back and get out '' pond tossed the papers to Off's table "unbelievable shit" pond said before he turned his back and leave his father's office as Off just sigh's down

"Yow sup!" Fourth yells at pond who's walking on their table "What happened bro why such long face? Cheer up" joong said "Cheer up!? Your kidding me" pond scoffs out of annoyance "Just tell me what really happened?" Joong asked in serious tone "Phuwin's Parents sold him like some random stuff" Pond said as he flick's his tounge trying to calm himself "damn what kind of parents are they such animals" fourth said "shut it fourth" joong said as he smack's Fourth's back "ouch bro" fourth yelps "But you do love him? The way you care for him is just.. i can't explain do you love him? Do you have feelings for him?" Joong asked in serious tone "yeah do you really love him?" Fourth added "wait I'll order a beer first" fourth added as he went to the counter "hey y'all here! Cheers!" Fourth said as he placed the beer on the table as they drank "back to the topic bro do you really have feelings for him seriously" joong asked "I don't know, i use him like a rebound i guess he makes me move on from her i don't have feelings for him that's it " Pond answers as he sips to the beer
" Damn bro " fourth muttered to joong in whispering way like disagreeing with pond's doing the three of them spent the noon their drinking and laughing as they talk about some girls and boy stuff, it's already 9 o'clock and the three of them decided to head home

'' Do i love him? No no i don't i love her'' pond thought to himself as he trying to deny Phuwin and headed to the parking lot to get his car

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