Chapter 15

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Pond's POV:

I've went out from our shared room, oh forgot to mention me and phuwin shared room, because i tucked him to sleep since it's almost noon and he needs energy i felt like something is wrong with his health he's so weak,

"Thank you na, for keeping my wife COMPANY" pond said to his friends in sarcastic tone while smiling and he's eyes say's different he wanna kill the both of them, he is really possessive over phuwin since he's wife is quite new to this place and he felt that he's scared so he is really over protective over phuwin "damn, were sorry to lie bro calm down we didn't scare him at all we just want to pay a visit to our Handsome friends beautiful wife!" Fourth said in awe yet sarcastically to lighten the dark aura in pond , "By the way, what did you give him?" Pond asks with a worried look painted over his face he knows fourth is a prankster " Some sweets and a teddy bear" Joong said with a sigh "ok thanks, for bothering" pond said rolled his eyes at joong "don't need to say thankyou pond it's not for you, atleast your wife is not an ungrateful bitch like H-" before fourth could finish he's sentence he felt a painful and loud smack at his back "fucking shit, are you stupid what's with your mouth!" Joong scolded fourth in a whispering tone

pond just looked at them and sigh's because he's friends with bunch of idiots "quit fighting you looked like kids, and thankyou for checking up on him but next time ask for my permission or else I'll kill the both of you" pond said in a warning tone and headed to the main door escorting he's friends out.

Pond headed back to the living room and sat down massaging the bridge of his nose, "i can't deny the fact that i still can't get over her, i still misses her.. but what can i do?" Pond said sighing down trying to get over he's past with his greatest love .

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