Chapter 35

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"Where's pa and da? I thought they're gonna stay here for some reasons" pond ask after changing his clothes
"oh sir gun said they went home to get some of their stuffs, have you eaten dinner sir? I'll cook " yaya lynn said to pond" no thanks you guys can rest i already have my dinner outside "pond answers as he looks back at his phone smiling to whoever whore his messaging

Yaya Lynn saw that obviously he felt hurt for phuwin who's waiting for pond in their room " Sir, Mr gun asked you to take care of phuwin " the old lady said catching pond's attention " what why? " Pond answered coldly and annoyed "He's sick " the old lady answered and handed pond phuwin's medicenes and head to their own room "tsk" pond flicks his tounge because of how annoyed he was

he entered the room he saw phuwin who immediately stand up and ran to him "Have you eaten? oh thank you for bringing me my medicines let's sleep together? I found a good movie you kno-" phuwin's word's got cutted off by pond "phuwin I'm tired I'll head to sleep we can watch that movie someday" pond said turning his back at the boy who's cheerful earlier now turned gloomy "oh it's alright good night I'll join you later" phuwin said hoping to get some answers from pond but he didn't got anything he guessed pond has drifted to sleep since he worked 24/7 at their company

Phuwin went to the balcony and sat their, he keeps thinking what was happening with his life he didn't notice that his crying "why am I crying, stop crying! they're tired! stop" phuwin said to himself scolding himself and continues to admire the stars in the sky and slowly drifted to sleep


you'll be part of the star soon phuwin

𝐂𝐀𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐄𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 𝐌𝐄Where stories live. Discover now