Chapter 22

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"um someone called on his phone, i didn't heard what they're talking about but from sir phuwin's voice he's really frustrated and scared" The old lady answers " who fucking called on his phone tho" pond mutter's out of anger

" Pond~" a soft voice called out to pond turning his gaze to where did that voice came from " oh your awake sit down, how are you?? " Pond ask to phuwin with a worried look ruffling the boy's hair " I'm fine stop worrying " phuwin answered and flashes his husband a smile and caress his husband's hand assuring him he's fine
" I'm s-sorry for being a burden I'll take care of m-myself i promise " phuwin said in a small voice stuttering and trembling out of trauma " hey, your not a burden your my wife and don't be scared okay? " Pond said assuring his wife not to be scared of him as he scoots over and hug him''pond~'' phuwin called out holding his husband's hand "hmm, yes??" Pond asked gently "my papa called me earlier he asked me to go back to my house to pay them a visit" phuwin said " you can go " pond said in a gentle tone still hugging his wife "but papa said he wants you to come with me is it okay for you?" Phuwin asked softly holding his husband's hands "hmm yes baby when?" "Tomorrow" phuwin replied "okay I'll come with you" pond answered as he caress the boys hair and hug him tightly

Both of them spend the night in each other's embrace.

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