Chapter 24 - A Handshake Of Carbon Monoxide

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And so, the day begins. I stepped out of the hospital and slid into the spacious car that waited for me. Its dark interior felt almost like a comforting cloak. Dressed simply in a shirt and pants, I found Dori already there, ready to whisk me away.

"Where have you been? Do Yesul and Ji Hyun even know you're with me?" he asked, his curious eyes fixed on me. I settled into the seat beside him and replied, my voice tinged with sarcasm, "No, I didn't tell them, and I don't plan to. They'll see me on the live broadcast later, won't they?"

"Relax," he said, glancing at me. "You know I'm doing this for you."

"Yeah, sure," I muttered, looking away.

We soon arrived at what Dori called the palace-a grand mansion with enormous gates that swung open as he waved. The sight of the mansion, a place I had no desire to return to, loomed before me. It had been years since I last set foot inside. "There are so many visitors here," Dori remarked as we approached. "You just need to get inside. You don't have to interact with them if you don't want to."

Inside, the main house buzzed with activity. Helpers, drivers, and staff moved about, preparing for the day's events. As I stepped further in, I was suddenly enveloped in the tightest hug.

"Noona! You're here! You're finally here!" Kyujin shouted, his arms wrapped tightly around me, a huge smile on his face.

I gave him a faint smile, responding, "Oh, how have you been? It's been a long time, right? I can't believe you're turning 18."

He beamed back at me and started guiding me through the house. "Noona, they're getting mom and dad ready. Don't you want to get styled in your room?" His formal attire and half-done hair made him look both grown-up and still like the kid I remembered.

As Dori turned to leave, he called back, "I'll go ahead now. There will be people to guide you where to go. Enjoy." And just like that, he was gone, vanishing like a wisp of cloud.

"Good day, madame! My name is Yeji, and I'll be your assistant today. Would you come with me to meet your stylist?" A young woman, likely in her early twenties, approached me with a warm smile. She gently took my hand, guiding me towards the staircase that led to the second floor, all the while explaining what awaited me.

"Chairman Rain has enlisted several of the country's top stylists, known for their exceptional skills and talent," Yeji said, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "I'm thrilled to be the one accompanying you today, madame." Her eyes sparkled as she opened the door to a spacious room, revealing a team of professionals bustling about with tools and fabrics.

"Good day, madame. I'm stylist Choi Gim. It's a great pleasure to work with you," a woman greeted me, extending her hand with a friendly smile. Her presence exuded confidence and expertise. "What style would you prefer, madame?" she inquired, beginning to gather her tools while awaiting my response.

"Whatever you think would suit me best," I replied, trusting her judgment.

The styling session commenced with Choi Gim assessing my features and discussing the styles that would complement me. Her assistants flitted around, offering opinions on potential outfits while Choi Gim meticulously worked on my hair. Each brushstroke was deliberate, a part of the artistry she was creating.

As she moved on to makeup, her touch was light and precise. She explained her choices, highlighting what would enhance my natural beauty and what might not be as flattering. It was an exhaustive process, but her passion for her craft was evident in every careful application and every thoughtful explanation. As she worked her magic on my hair, transforming my look with deft fingers and an artistic eye, I absentmindedly scrolled through my phone. A message from Yesul popped up, snapping me out of my reverie.

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