Meeting .

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Usually no one bothers Alec, and he wonders who it could be. Approaching the front door, he went over in his head everyone who it could be. - Wife - “son” - lawyer - f.. -

Alec opened the door before finishing thinking about the last option.  Shorty Oliver appeared in front of him, assistant, or no longer something more for Crystal.

-Hello Alec, long time no see

- hello, It’s really been a long time, it’s been about 2-3 months I think

-Yes, but I’m coming to you on business, not just to talk, can I come through?

- oh yes, of course, come in

-Thank you

*Going into Alec's private house, Oliver saw a lot of scattered things, and it didn't look like anyone lived in this house, it was more likely that a tornado had passed through here. After taking a few steps, Oliver almost stepped on beer bottles. The owner of the house himself was ashamed that his guest was seeing him, but he was simply unable to clean or even take care of the house, or even himself.
Entering Alec's office, Oliver noticed that this room in his house was the cleanest, not counting the scattered papers on the table and cups of coffee there. Sitting down on the sofa, Oliver took out ribbons with papers from his bag *

- This is all we managed to find out about Fiore. Last time it was easy to find her in a boarding house for believers, but now it was simply impossible to reach her parents. Thanks to connections Cristal, we found that Fiore lives with his uncle, their situation is not the best, but the guardianship authorities bypass them. Everything else you need is here in your hand, you can take it.-

-Thank you very much, I am very grateful to you - the owner of the house took the folder and began to examine the contents

*After 2 minutes of awkward waiting, Oliver decided to say goodbye and go about his business*

And now Alec was left alone with a folder in his hands. He found Uncle Fiore's address and decided to take the child for himself tomorrow. The folder contained several poorly taken photographs of the girl and, to be honest, she was not in the best shape. Her hair is disheveled, her knees are bruised, her clothes are torn, and her face expresses nothing but sadness and hatred for what surrounds her. Alec no longer cared what would happen to his ex-wife, his ex-son, he only thought about one thing: how to take the child from that place. After an hour of thinking, he decided tomorrow to go by car to the address indicated on one of the sheets of paper and try to find Fiore and talk to her and eventually pick her up.

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