(Time Skip) The War - All I

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(*Luciara Stark and Androw Hearth*)

"Luciara, have you heard?" Androw shouts out to Luciara Stark, whilst he speeds towards him with a worried look on his face. Luciara turns to look at him, seeming nerved. "No, well, I'm assuming I haven't because I don't even have a bloody clue what you're going to say," Lucia replies. "Did Maester Luwin not tell you yet, then?" Androw asks him. His serious tone gets Lucia more anxious. "No..." He answers.

Androw rests a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder, Lucia looks to it, concerned. All seeming in slow-motion, Androw informs him of some unpleasant news: "Your Uncle, Lucia. Lord Eddard Stark, Hand of the King, King Robert of House Baratheon, who did recently die... Ned is dead." Lucia stares at him in disbelief. Not so long ago did Robb March south just to rescue Ned, and now he finds out that Ned was executed. 

Luciara decides it is time for a drink. It has been too long since he even stepped a foot in the tavern. The bartender looks surprised to see Lucia after all this time, "Lucia, m'Lord, it's been a while." He says, leaning over to him. Lucia sits down on the stool, not speaking a word and depressed. "Just... You know my favourite." And the bartender gets Lucia's best wine, specially for him.

After a good, drunk 20 minutes, Luciara turns to look at Androw and says, "I know I'm breaking my promise to Ned, but... I felt the need for this to be my way of coping with his death. Honestly, I only swore to protect the family, and not to give up drinking. Besides, it's not like it matters to me - there are no Gods in my eyes." "Ned's dead, Cat's gone, Robb's gone, Arya and Sansa at King's Landing, Bran a cripple, Rickon is only six... And now Lucia is getting drunk. Bring the Stark name back, Lucia. Whilst Robb fights his war and Bran keeps Winterfell safe, you must assist. Help Bran with Winterfell. Do that, at the least," Androw supports him, hoping that his friend will stay normal, unlike Mirk.

(*Mirk Billsmith*)

Mirk is hunting down some rabbits, quite far south from Winterfell. He rests himself by a tree. Waiting for a rabbit, or any other animal. Waiting. He knows this is the place where rabbits come often (he is craving for some rabbits); he's been out in the wilderness long enough to know, now. He also knows that no one is looking for him, as someone would have found him, by now. And on top of that, he'd seen Robb leave with most of the army, as well as Catelyn leave with some guards, so clearly no one will bother to waste their time looking for Mirk, just so he can be sent to The Wall; Mirk would rather be sent there than an actual punishment.

He hears a scuffle between the leaves and movements behind him. A slow grin appears on his face. He moves away from the tree and stares at the rabbit. It has its back to him and can't sense him at the moment. Mirk leaps forward and rushes towards the rabbit he patiently waited for. Mirk catches the innocent white rabbit with straight, beautiful hair in his hands. "Go' ya, yo little bastard! You don' know 'ow hungry I've been. Waitin' 'ere... for you," Mirk speaks to the rabbits. He holds it tightly between the both of his hands; squealing and wriggling around, attempting to escape, Mirk looks down on it. "I know, I wish, sometimes, that I didn't have to do this. That I don't have to kill you. But I didn't have to kill my father or that rapist, either. But I did. And now I'm gonna have to do this:" Mirk snaps the rabbit's neck. "Cos I'm 'ungry," Mirk explains to the deceased rabbit corpse. 

Later, he makes a fire for the night, cooking the rabbit in it also. "I can miss Lucia and Androw at times, yes. I've been missing Ortin longer, though. I don't miss my father, Gods no! I'd rather suffer all Seven Hells than to see my father walking. And Rosemary. In the name of all the Gods, I wanted to fuck her! I'd 'ave done anything for it, too," Mirk rambles on, staring at the blazing fire. In the trees, in the terrifying darkness, are more rustling. Mirk immediately turns around to a full 180°. Throughout the darkness, he cannot indentify what the source is. Could it have just been another rabbit? Or was it finally a guard come to take Mirk away? Or something else entirely?

(*Rosemary Bayle*)

Another war just means more death. The Rebellion rid the world of Rosemary's father, who shall be taken this time around? At least to Rosemary there is no one close to her anymore to die in this war. But she would feel terrible for Luciara if Robb, Catelyn, or another family member of his is killed. She already feel terrible for him for not accepting his love to her. Rosemary doesn't have a specific type on men; she just isn't bothered about anyone. If someone there is anyone be her first love, it would most likely be easier to start with Lucia, as she knows Lucia would be kind and gentle and fair with her.

She goes to meet with Gill, "Are you doing okay?" Rosemary questions her. "Well, the presumed father of my bastard baby murdered his father and ran away a while back. Whilst I have to stay in here with a few occasional visits from you, Seylse and Mareen." Gill answers sarcastically. "I know you're having a shit time, Gill. Stay positive, please," Rosemary says to her. "I am. It's just gonna be such a hassle and trouble. But you will be there to help me raise him or her, won't you?" Gill asks.

"Of course I will. Do you think it'll be a boy, or a girl?"

"I have a feeling it's a boy, but we never know for sure, though."

"Any ideas on names?"

"None, being honest. Perhaps I should just pick a random name. Or maybe name him after your dad." Gill suggests. Rosemary looks to her in affection, but some slight doubt.

"No, you don't have to do that," Rosemary states. Gill puts her hand to where her baby boy is and gestures to Rosemary to put her hand on there also. They smile at each other. "I should head back, actually. I'm sorry this was such a short visit, but at least it was a good one. My mum needs help with a lot of things; I just wanted to see how you were." Rosemary then leaves after the two say 'goodbye'.

On her way back, Rosemary encounters a mildly drunk Luciara Stark exiting the tavern along with Androw. She feels as if that she should go and explain herself better about her feelings towards him. However, as he and his family are having a rough time, she decides to let him rest for some time, now.

(*Luciara Stark*)

Luciara finds himself in his bed after being put there by someone. Either Androw, Maester Luwin or Hodor. He looks around his room, half-expecting Ned or Cat, or even Robb, to come in and give him some advice in life. Unfortunately for Lucia, he is the one that must now give the advice. He has been taught well in combat by Robb, in wisdom by Ned and family and friend issues by Cat. Combining the the three, Lucia will try to help Bran and everyone else in those ways. He just doesn't know where to start...

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