Turmoil and Dilemmas - Rosemary II

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Rosemary begins pacing in bewilderment all across Winterfell, her beloved home. Gill's baby is coming soon, sooner than hoped. Selyse and Mareen are with her, purposefully letting Rosemary get a break from caring to Gill each day after the other. She ponders if checking up on Luciara shall be today's journey. 'It is certainly better than staying with mother or Gill all day,' she confirms for herself.

The tavern is usually the best place to search for him; despite his attempts to go there less often, he always fails. She approaches the friendly bartender, "Has Lucia been here recently?" "He was 'ere yesterday, doing... personal business," he answers, not informing her about his 'mission'.

"Any idea where he is now, or what he'll be doing today?" Rosemary questions curiously.

"I suspect he'll be searchin' for ya, anyway. Might I suggest staying put; he ought to be here today, anyway," the bartender explains, so she stays. Waiting for however long she must. "Water, please." She asks. "Ah, good, water," he says to himself, keeping in mind to save the wine and other ales for their journey.

After waiting in the tavern for quite some time, Luciara enters, in search of the bartender and not expecting Rosemary. Shock and confusion travels his face. "Luciara, I just want to ask you if you don't mind dating me. If you have gone off the idea, either reconsider it, or turn me down gently," she suggests to him. "Of course I will, Rosemary. You are the only one for me. Ever. But, please, do rest, I have... news, of sorts. News of which I must share with you," he starts.

"I have decided to leave Winterfell. The war rages on, and I fear our beloved fort shall not protect us forever. The bartender is with me on this, so we have food and water supplies to last some time. I shall gather weapons - swords and shields and daggers - so we have protection. We will be set. We will be prepared. I ask for you to please accompany me." Lucia asks of her.

She does find this idea a safe one. She wants her family and friends safe and protected. This is a way out. And above all, she can be with Lucia, her now love. "Will it be allowed my mother and Gill, the baby, when it arrives, and Selyse and Mareen to join?" Rosemary questions. 

"The more people safer with us, the better," Lucia replies. She smiles, cheerful at the thought. He leans in to kiss her; they share their first kiss. Tasteful and loving.

Rosemary dashes to Gill, wanting to tell her. Instead, she stops and decides to inform her mother first. Rosemary goes to her house and finds her mother asleep on the bed, after all, it is quite late. She decides it best not to disturb her and gets some sleep herself, anticipating the morning to tell her mother and Gill, Selyse and Mareen.

In the morning, she awakes to find her mother about to go out. She stops her and immediately notifies her of Lucia's plans. "Well, I suppose it's for our betterment. And there's nothing left here for us, especially me. Yes, I'll leave Winterfell for a higher chance of survival." Rosemary hugs her mother and thanks her for accepting the journey. 

Rosemary finds Selyse and Mareen with Gill in Gill's home. Gill's pregnancy is more noticeable nowadays; better for her to be safe away from the war. She says the same thing to the three as she did her mother. "I don't mind; it's all shit 'ere anyway, now," Mareen states. "I'll go if Gill and you two go." Selyse is in as well. "I just don't know if raising a baby outside the walls is safe, but with Robb being the King in the North, and Winterfell his and our home, who knows if they decide to come up here and take it. Remember what the Lannister's did at King's Landing during Robert's Rebellion. I couldn't risk mine and my baby's life for that, but neither is it going to be safe outside," Gill explains.

"Look, Gill... it's never really safe anywhere, but if we can find a nice farm to live out on, it'll be okay," Rosemary persuades Gill to go. "Ohh... I suppose so," Gill agrees. Rosemary smiles and hugs her also. 

Rosemary goes off to find Lucia and tell him the good news. She checks the tavern first. No luck. Before she could ask the bartender, he says, "Not here. Try the castle. And besides, I'm closing it all down today." So she checks the Stark home.

She finds Maester Luwin and asks him of Lucia's whereabouts. "Lord Luciara isn't at the tavern, yes. I do believe that, last I checked, he is inside. If you'll follow me," he commands, so Rosemary follows. Rosemary has never actually been in these parts of the castle. Everything was rather exhilarating to her. So new and exciting. Maester Luwin takes her to his bedchambers and knocks on the door, "It's Rosemary, my Lord," Luwin informs. "Let her in, Maester, and thank you for showing her the way," Lucia says from inside. "You may enter."

"Thank you," she says while going in. She looks around at his room. Rather a mess, but nicer than hers, for sure. "Sorry about the scarce space; I have the smallest bedchambers of all the Stark's, including Jon," Lucia tells her. "Well, it's certainly larger and nicer than mine."

Rosemary informs Luciara of the news, and Lucia seems pleased. "Well done. It's good that we get people safe and leave for somewhere better," he answers. "When is it a good time for you to... exit?" He asks her. "Anytime is fine. None of my friends, nor my mother, have any appointments of any kind scheduled, in truth," Rosemary replies. 

"Well, tonight, then. Tonight is good," Lucia makes the plans for the night.

Come nightfall and Luciara has packed all his necessary equipment and has handed some of the weapons to some more cowardly men he and Androw and the bartender asked for company. Rosemary, along with her mother, Gill, Selyse and Mareen, join Luciara, Androw, the bartender and a dozen others. "Thank you all for making the right choice. I am unaware of any guards on duty, so Androw will return without me to make sure there isn't anyone to notice us leaving. Rosemary, you don't joining us, do you?" Luciara questions. "No, of course not," she replies. 

"Good luck, Rosemary," Gill says as she makes leave with Lucia and Androw. "And to you, too." The three of them go to the gates, Androw trailing behind to not be noticed. They spot a guard up ahead, but they continue. They need to remove him somehow.

"Who goes there?" The knight asks, almost seeming bored with an unenthusiastic voice. "The Lord Luciara Stark and his betrothed," Lucia answers. Rosemary turns to him, but attempting not to look astonished, neither confused, by his words, as it'll ruin their escape. "I'm Ser Duncan-" he starts, until Lucia interrupts: "Ser Duncan?! Well, it'll take me ages to guess who you were named after," Lucia jokes. "Yes, I know. I was so obviously named after Ser Duncan the Tall, so I had to become a knight. That is obviously why. Well, yes I was named after him, but it doesn't matter. What matters is why you're coming here with your betrothed, whom I've never heard about or seen before."

"Look, Ser, we're leaving Winterfell for good. Now either come with us freely, or come with us against your will. I, personally, would choose the former, but that's just me (!)" Lucia suggests. "I'll level with you, then. I wanted to live up to my name - Ser Duncan - but I'm just not as brave as the original. Sure, I'm taller than the average height, but the bravery... I'm not that. So, I'll go with you freely," Ser Duncan agrees and joins them.

"I can't believe we have a knight with us," Androw says to Lucia, although Rosemary is still with Lucia, so she listens in on their conversation. "Neither can I. We have someone who's had proper training, probably by Ser Rodrik himself. Now we have ultimate protection," Lucia says, turning to look at this infamous knight.

As it's late, the group of over a dozen cowards rest in the forest. Having successfully escaped the troubles that could've been inevitable at Winterfell,  they get an easy sleep.

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