Revenge - Mirk III

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'Lucia shoulda struck me down or hanged me when he the bloody chance. Now, he's gonna get the full revenge from me. I won't stop at just Lucia's corpse... I'll keep on going until all the sorry fucks are gonners. Luckily for me, none of them are fighters, except for Ser Duncan. I'll have t' kill him quietly first. And then Lucia; I won't 'ear no more bullshit from his bastard mouth,' Mirk plans in his head the details of his revenge on Luciara and the others.

After Luciara mercifully spared his life and set him on his way, he threatened Mirk that if he ever came close to them another time, then Lucia will personally put him down, as if he were simply a wounded horse in battle. 'I won't even get wounded in this battle. This is a fight for vengeance, and the gods are surely on my side.'

Mirk ventured away from Lucia firstly, however a poisoned reached his heart, and he had a taste for revenge. He only wished that he hadn't gotten so angry the day he killed his father. It wouldn't have led him to the Wildlings, then the battle with Lucia and their fallout. Now he has one task he wishes to fulfil, and that involves the gruesome death of Luciara - at least Mirk had hoped it would be so.

Once he was set loose like the mad dog he was, he eventually began tracking them. He hid behind the trees and in the bushes when he found others on the road. From what he hears is that King Robb is doing well in his battles, King Stannis is underachieving, while the other two remaining kings are doing rather little. He now knows for certain that Winterfell was under rule of the Greyjoy prince, Theon, however, that pairing had not lasted very long.

He figured Luciara would set his courses on the road, so Mirk followed the road through the trees. It had not taken him long to soon find Lucia, Androw and some others leaving a farm and continuing going down the road, soon to reach the Riverlands and passing Moat Cailin.

Despite the cold shrill of the air and the coldness of revenge, Mirk was enjoying the excitement of adventure and feeling rather turbulent. Yet Mirk carried on and found himself finding it difficult to carry on; he hadn't eaten in a couple days and had not been feeling any kind of courage or energy for killing Lucia just yet.

He rested where he felt this unease and almost immediately slipped into the other world where he could live a million lives and then wake as the man he never wanted to be.

Mirk had woken when the sun was directly above the misty fog of the air - midday. He knew he must make haste if he were to catch up with Luciara, so he rapidly took himself down south, down the road. There were many twists and turns that took different directions, and he thought himself lost. He was unaware that, in truth, he was heading in the right direction. Unfortunately for Mirk, he began slowing his speed in fear that he was headed in somewhere completely uncanny, for the atmosphere around him told him so.

After some hours, he witnessed some villagers heading towards him, carrying a cart loaded with multiple vegetables - carrots, as orange as Beric Dondarrion's flaming sword, potatoes, scarred some, similar to that of the Hound's face, yet fresh and pure, among other foods. There were two men, both of whom appeared to have any pleasant features about them. Their teeth were rotten, yellow, and their beards and hair scruffy, black.

They were discussing about a party of would-be soldiers that had strong Northern accents in them. Mirk knew he must be heading in the right direction almost certainly now. He decided to ask the men about Lucia, to be certain entirely.

"Who are these Northerners yer speakin' of, then?" Mirk questions, standing in the absolute middle of the road, so that they cannot go around him in any way.
"A band o' merry queers headin' down to find King Robb. One o' them says they's his cousin," the man on Mirk's left answers him.
"Course, that's just som' silly bugger beggin' fer food from us respectable farmers. We're not appreciated 'nough, says the others," the one on Mirk's right adds.
"I see. And where're they headed?"
"Jus' follow the road, you'll find 'em. A bunch o' strange men an' a woman on the road, you'll never miss 'em," answers the man on the left, preparing to go forwards once more, pulling the cart along.

Mirk walks forwards also, and when he is a mere few inches from the two, he pulls his dagger out and stabs the man on the right in his neck, pushing the knife up to his jaw. While the blood hastily made its way out of the man and onto Mirk's arm, trickling down it, the other prepares to throw a punch at Mirk, however Mirk dodges and pushes the other man's corpse or dying body to him to prevent a further attack.

Mirk goes over to the living man and stabs him frequently in his abdomen, causing his blood to spew out and add to that of the recently deceased man's blood, running across the ground. Mirk proceeds to take the cart with him and follow the road to get his revenge on Luciara.

The moon had replaced the sun for the next few hours, and Mirk hears talking and sees a blazing fire on the road. He knows it must be Lucia. His heart rate increases with each step he takes and each push of the cart he gives.

Someone calls out to him. 'I've been spotted!  If I carry on as usual, they oughtn't suspect a thing,'  he tells himself. 'I should ready my blade... for it has some victims tonight.' He takes out his dagger and holds it inconspicuously in the sleeve of his right arm.

Once he reaches the circle of his enemies, he ploughs the dagger into the chest of a boy. The boy screams, as do the others, whereas the others do not have blood escaping their chests.

From where, Mirk could not see, but he had been taken to the ground by someone. He stabs the frail man in his side, and before he wound the man again, Androw had kicked him in his face, causing the mark to sting and go red.

"Mirk, what the fuck are you doing here?" Lucia asks, inquisitively.
"T' kill ya!" he yells.
"Well, I guess it didn't exactly go to how you expected it. Too bad that you wanna kill me, 'cause I wanna take the Lannisters down and we need as many men as possible. You've killed one of us, wounded another and now we're gonna have to lose you, too. Shameful, really," Lucia rambles on.
"Shut up, and let me do this. Ya know it's the right thing. So let it happen."
"Can't say it's particularly something I want to happen. Hold his arms aside," Lucia commands, so Androw and Ser Duncan follow suit, while the woman tends to older man's wound.

With Androw and Ser Duncan holding his arms, Mirk attempts at using his legs to try and get them off of him, however he is unsuccessful. He struggles continuously, failing at any escaping. Lucia punches Mirk in the stomach, causing him to puke some. He punches him repeatedly in the same places, then moves up to his chest, bruising his ribs terribly.

Luciara then kicks Mirk between his legs, causing him to shout in pain. He groans of pain were silenced by Lucia punching him in the left side of his face. He takes Mirk's dagger and begins at cutting on his arms.

Mirk stares into Lucia's eyes, yet they are shrouded by the darkness of the night. His screams were only echoes in the cold night air. Eventually, the screams felt nonsensical after sometime, and Mirk allowed the pain to continue.

Androw suddenly let go of Mirk's left arm, and Mirk stared at the scars that were placed there in revenge for him trying to kill Lucia. 'Revenge works both ways, I suppose. There's no justice in it...'

Lucia grabs Mirk's face in his left hand and places the right which holds the dagger on his neck, reminding Mirk of what he did to the two men earlier and when he killed his father. He could feel his own blood going down his neck and then felt nothing.

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