Army - Luciara VII

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Mirk's body was left in its bloody state where he had died. The seven had moved their camp from Mirk's corpse and later buried the boy who had fallen victim to Mirk's lunacy in his attempt to get revenge on Luciara. Once Mirk had his throat slit by Lucia himself, Ser Duncan let the body drop, dead. Androw never looked at Lucia for a fortnight. And with the blood trailing down Lucia's arms, and seeing how gruesome the outcome of his unnecessary torture on Mirk was, he could hardly blame him.

With one man down, their support for Robb in the war would seem nonsensical; they needed to gain more followers. Luciara decided to spread the word of Robb, hoping there are more brave boys like the one that had been murdered by Mirk to step up and accompany them.

After having spent a fortnight of travelling from village to village, from farm to farm, they were luckily granted with twenty men and boys to support them and Robb. Lucia was quite pleased and surprised at the amount of men that decided to fight. He supposed they had nothing better to do, considering the war is already affecting them.

After some more time, they eventually made their way down farther south, hoping to reach Robb and soon King's Landing, or wherever Robb assigns Lucia and the latter's followers.

Androw approached Lucia, as they were all breaking their fast (some of the men had been kind enough to take out rations from their own homes to add up to the supply that Lucia's army are raising). "What you did to Mirk..." he begins.
"I know. Unforgivable. But we gotta move past that. Let's concentrate on fucking that product of incest in his tight royal arse, then sticking his bitch-face on some pike before settling our differences on how I handled Mirk. Or rather, how poorly I handled his execution," Lucia explains, hoping to keep at least one friend by the end of this war.
"I'll try. But I'm having a little bit of trouble even looking at you. Even Rosemary was because of how you were acting around Mirk. He did something to you... and you've changed from it. For the worse."
"I'm only doing what I think is best. I'm not very good at it, I'll admit, but I'm doing what I can. Even if that is brutally murdering murderers and changing my personality somewhat. Mirk betrayed us all, and justice was served. Can we agree on that?" Lucia explains himself.
"He was your friend, Lucia. So am I. What are you gonna do to me if I don't fulfil your needs?" Androw questions him rhetorically, and leaves him.

The wounded man was making a quick recovery, due to the woman's healing. "Are you doing okay, Jon?" he asks the man.
"Yes. All thanks to Kyra's help. She'll be a great help for King Robb."
"Aye," Lucia says, pats Jon on his shoulder and makes his way to Kyra.

"Kyra," he says.
"Luciara," she returns, smiling.
"You did some great work on Jon. We'll be needing healers. Quite desperately. So I need to make sure it is a certainty you survive the journey. Keep well fed. Stay safe when there's trouble on the roads. Stick with Saulmund and Seramund. They get protected by the rest of us, but they have the Wildling side of them when they need to attack our enemies."
"I know how to stay alive. I make sure others do, too. You don't want the leadership, I can tell. You're a coward. You were a coward. Worry about keeping yourself alive more than me or anyone else."
"I already do. If I let Mirk go again or kept him alive, he would've come back to get me again and again, until I finally die. I killed him. So I don't have to die. At least by his hands, anyhow." Luciara then makes his way to visit Saulmund and Seramund.

He finds them on their own, as they have been for the better part of their journey south. "Hello," Saulmund says.
"I'm sorry for how bad our introductions to each other were. A fight and the loss of our friends is not a great way to start it off," Lucia apologises.
"No, but it was interesting. And we got to see the real you, instead of what you may pretend to be when you're... doing this sort of thing. The talking," he replies.
"Yeah, well... How are you liking the south?" he asks them.
"Lots of nice places," Seramund says. "Not many pretty castles, though."
"That's because we've had to avoid them all. Besides, the only good ones are the ones in the North," he winks.
"It's certainly warmer in the south," Saulmund says.
"Oh, to be sure."
"I'm starting to think we may not be needing these clothes, Saulmund," Seramund says to her brother.
"They are making the journey more uncomfortable, yes," he responds.
"We may have some spare clothes, but I'm sure we've almost reached Robb. By your clothes, they'll know you're Wildling. Perhaps you ought to change them sooner than you think," Lucia suggests, then decides to converse with Ser Duncan before continuing their journey.

'The two were right: it is very hot down in the south. If this is what the Neck feels like in comparison to the North, I do not want to travel to Dorne anytime soon,' Lucia tells himself. He looks for Ser Duncan in the dense crowd of his army. It felt strange to Lucia that he was leading an army, despite being a self-proclaimed coward. He supposed that the climate and weather was not the only that changes the farther south a person goes.

"Ser," he calls to him, once he had spotted him.
"Lucia, my Lord, I have a matter of great import to inform," he says, with no warning, only determination.
"Yes...? You tell me you have something to tell me and don't say what you're going to tell me. Well, then? Tell me," he requests.
"I have been informed by the most recent farmer to have joined our army that King Robb is making his way more north than where he is. Not too far, it seems."
"Where? Where is it, then, for fuck's sake?" Lucia spits, anxious to know.
"To the Twins, my Lord. For a wedding, so I hear," Ser Duncan informs.
"Is this true?" Lucia inquires the farmer.
"We was told t' bring a lotta food for some weddin', I believe. For the Young Wolf, so I'm told. I thought you'd all known about it," he replies, slow in speech and perplexed.
"Well, we better make haste. If Robb is coming north and we are going south, then we should meet even sooner than expected. Tell everyone to gather their things. We are going to the Twins and we are going to join the great fight," Lucia commands his army.

Androw seemed displeased to Luciara when he heard the news of travelling to the Twins. Lucia was unaware as to why, however he was more fixated on reuniting with his aunt, Catelyn, and his cousin, Robb.

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