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August 10th, 2017: 

H : "Hey, actress! Where are youuu? You disappeared on me!

H : "What, are you too busy for your popstar friend now that you won an award?

H : "Don't you want to see me?

[Seen at 4:32PM]

H : "Claire, are you ignoring me? Seriously?

C : "Dunno, Harry."

C : "I thought you were too busy with Camille to notice my absence, or something.

[Seen at 4:35PM]

[Harry's typing...]

[Harry's typing... ]

[Harry's typing... ]

H : "Claire..."

H : "I can explain."

[Seen 4:41PM]

C : "No, I don't think I care.

August 18th, 2017:

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August 18th, 2017:

Claire wasn't exactly feeling very proud of herself, those days.

Something was nagging at the back of her mind, although she couldn't quite place it.

Which was, to the naked eye, something unfathomable to think.

From the outside, her life seemed very well perfect. Or, well, on the way to get there, anyways.

Everything was, very slowly, falling into place, both in her private life and her professional life.

Let's begin from the professional aspect.

As of August 15th, Claire had officially met with the Arts Theater company to begin rehearsing her upcoming show, the one she had landed a leading role for. She had been obsessively reading the scripts she had been handed, had memorized all of her lines and had also memorized the other actors' lines - it was bound to happen, since she was reading the damn thing at least 5 times a day. But what could you expect, from someone who felt the need to quell the growing sense of unease that lurked in the back of her stomach?

Thank God it was also part of her job, although Claire didn't miss the alarmed raise of brows when she had mentioned about also knowing the others' scripts by heart, upon meeting altogether for the first time, for the very first table read as an ensemble cast. It had felt thrilling - minus the moments where Claire had done her best to not mouth along with the rest of the actors as they read their lines, knowing them like the back of her hands. She had hoped she hadn't come out of the whole thing looking way too eager for her own good, but she couldn't help it: that was bound to be her first role as a professional actress, straight out of university. She wanted to do everything as best as she could.

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