Mission or love competition? 7

368 14 13

So uhm, before anything.
🔞 A bit


BBB : truly am full!

Fang : well, not gonna lie but the food was so good.

Kaizo : of course. I made them.

Fang : *raised an eyebrow*

Kaizo : fine, with BBB too of course.

BBB : so.. are we still going to stay here for two days more?

Kaizo : yep, Commander's order. It's for us to check if this planet can be said safe or not. That's mean, this two days we can't stay inside the ship unless if it's raining or for a break.

BBB : I guess that's fine by me.

Fang : well, let's head to bed now. It's late already.

Kaizo : huh, I didn't realise the time already. Well, it's sure is late.

BBB : alright then, see you guys tomorrow morning!

The next day.
Exactly at 9 a.m everyone already got ready to explore the planet. But this time, they will split up. Going individually on separate ways. After a few minutes of Captain Kaizo's brief, they three went to their separate ways

|Boboiboy's POV|

Alright! My area is supposed to be the safest in this planet. Captain Kaizo said out of any other area he has been going around, this area didn't show any threat to him when he went here. Well, let's test this theory of Captain Kaizo!

I run around behind bushes and jump on top of branches to see if anything would come out if I do make noises. It seems fine so far. I tried to shout a bit, maybe that would works but nope, nothing seem to be bothered by that. Every species of animals here seem not to care about me being here. I guess I could say this area is truly is the safest. Now I guess I can move on to the next area.

After running to another area which is far away from where I was, it seems this area is more.. uhh dull to be said. I walk around to see if there's anything unusual is happening.

After a few minutes of walking, I suddenly bumped into a weird looking plant, flower to be said. It was massive and it's smell a bit weird. But I must say it's a beautiful one. I went closer to it to see it even closer, only to get sprayed by it.


I yelp as I got sprayed by the flower. It shoot me with some kind of stench, hope it won't stick to my clothes..
I wipe my face off again and went off to somewhere else.

|Fang's POV|

After being separated from Kaizo and BoBoiBoy, I've been running around the area I was assigned to. For the last 10 minutes, I've been chased by this weird species. From the data, it's a smaller version of Viruo Beast that we've encountered yesterday. They're smaller and much more weaker by the normal size of them but their speed sure is fast for their small size. We can't really attack them as we are just assigned to explore the place and not ruining anything else, unless it become a threat.

I can't take this anymore!
I changed into Garuda Shadow and supervised the area by flying from up here. It's much more easier even though this would used lots of my energy.

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