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can't take it back once it's been set in motion.

OPENING HER EYES, Regina slowly rolled over to her side. Skywalker was sleeping beside her, peacefully, for the first time in weeks. Smiling softly, she slid over carefully so that she was lying closer to him.

"What time is it?" he muttered, not opening his eyes. So he'd been awake after all. She smiled slightly.

"Not time to get up," Regina said, putting her head on his chest and closing her eyes again. She felt Skywalker's arms wrap around her, pulling her closer to himself; she melted at his touch and focused on listening to his heartbeat. 

They lay there together for a while. They didn't want to ruin the moment and, quite frankly, didn't want to get up.

But their peace was interrupted.

"Master Ani?" came C-3P0's familiar voice. "Mistress Regina, there is a message for both of you."

Regina sighed, lying where she was for a second longer.

"We'll be up in a moment, Threepio," Skywalker called back. He sighed.

"Certainly, sir," the droid assented. Regina could hear the sound of his feet walking away. Regina closed her eyes one last time and slowly sat up. The chain and ring brushed against her chest as she did so and she had to smile. Sitting up next to her husband, Regina looked down at him, pushing her hair back.

He was watching her, not saying anything. A small smile played on his lips as he observed his wife.

"What?" she smiled. He shook his head, sliding up so that he, too, was sitting. He took one of her hands and brought it to his lips.

"I love you."

Regina smiled, meeting his blue eyes.

"I love you, too."

He released her hand and slowly, regretfully she got off the bed and began to change into her Jedi robes. Anakin stayed exactly where he was the entire time, saying nothing.

"Are you getting up?" Regina inquired, turning to look at him as she tucked her wedding ring into her robes.

"Even after all of that, I still haven't realized..." He trailed off, shooting another glance at her.

Regina only smiled at him.

"Get dressed," she told him. "I'll see what the message is about."

Giving him another look, Regina turned around and headed for the door to their rooms. As soon as she closed the door behind her, she let out another sigh. What she really wanted was to be in there with him, but duty called.

Finding C-3P0 in the sitting room, Regina looked at the droid questioningly. R2-D2 was standing beside the protocol droid.

"Where's the message?" Regina asked both droids, moving closer to the duo. R2-D2 chirped and his counterpart leaned down and clicked the switch on the holoprojector.

Instantly an image of her Master appeared and Regina watched it with curiosity.

"Greeting, Regina," Quillow began, his holographic form clear as he said the words in Shyriiwook. "I realize that it is most likely midnight where you are, but this is urgent." She winced, realizing how long ago this message had been sent.

A worried feeling formed in her stomach, her mind flashing back to when Anakin had received a message exactly like this.

"Don't be alarmed. I know your mind is going to the absolute worst."

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