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I wanted her

Warning: Smut (I don't think it's mild so keep two hands on the phone people 😂)

Y/n Pov

The next morning I woke up to find Severus no longer in bed with me. I rubbed my eyes and jumped when I saw him shove through the door with two mugs in his hands. "Ah, you're awake." He says. What time was it? As if he just read my mind, which I definitely bet he did. He says. "It's 8:00." I was well aware there was no school today,so I laid back down with a huff.

"Want some tea?" He asks me. "Yes, please." I say, and sit up. There's nothing better than feeling the warm,hot liquid running down your throat in the morning. We drink our tea in silence, when I'm done I finally say. "Do you...regret last night?" He hadn't said anything about the kiss we shared so I had no idea what he thought. I was a 22 year old woman I didn't have the time for games. Well...I am pretty young but can you blame me for wanting a proper relationship?

It came to my notice that Severus has never told me about any previous relationships he had, I knew he never had one during his time at Hogwarts, but maybe he got a girlfriend after?
I myself have been in a few but they never really lasted long. "No...I don't regret it." Ok so he doesn't regret his decision. So...where was this going.

"Y/n...I...I like you. More than a friend. I know it's selfish of me but it's the truth. I have had feelings for you since... a long time."

"...You had feelings for me?"


"How long back?"

"....Our Hogwarts years."

I gasped at this, I have fucking liked him since then as well. To think we wasted all that fucking time being friends when we could of just became a couple then. He got worried, he looked ashamed of himself.

"Severus I-...I have liked you since then too. After a few months of being friends I...liked you a little more than that. After school I never stopped thinking about you. I absolutely hated you for what you did but part of me still had those feelings for you..."

He seemed shocked at my reveal, but it was time he knew. I know how insecure he was about people liking him. I want to be with him. I like him. I hope he knows it.

Severus Pov

I can't believe I wasted all this time when I could have told her how I felt when we were teens. Although, part of me is glad I didn't, because let's be honest. When you're a teenager, the chances of spending the rest of your life together with that person is very slim. Yes...I want to spend the rest of my life with the woman in front of me;and we haven't even dated. Call me crazy but I just can't stop. She's a constant need.

I wanted her.

I smiled at her, her face seemed to light up at that. She always told me to smile more when we were kids. Oh how much I miss it. I was about to tell her...ask her. If she would possibly want to go out with me. Let me take her out for dinner, on a date. What she deserves. If I was going to have her I was going to treat her right. That's one thing my mother taught me. To treat a woman right.

My father. He never treated her right, and I was fully aware she didn't want me to turn out like him. I made it my mission, for if I were to ever find love. I would love her till my last breath. I thought I loved lilly, I was blinded. But Y/n...oh lord. I love her more than I could love any other woman.

It kept replaying in my mind, the fact I wanted to ask her out. My heart was beating 1000 miles a second. Just then I was about to say something and she said. "Well uhm....I should- uh. Haha I should probably start getting ready, breakfast will be soon." She got off of the bed and scurried to the bathroom. Oh Merlin I had made it awkward. I should have just asked her!

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