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fucked up.

he was all fucked up, and lonely.

sunghoon's lips burned with desire. they wanted to kiss someone. anyone at this point, yet he only felt his lips wrap around the mouth of the bottle of vodka. he didn't necessarily chug it down, simply took big sips.

"bro, chill out," jake commented, plopping down right beside his friend that was getting all wasted.
"the weekend just started. you're already stressed?" he snickered. he seemed happy, even happier than usual, till the point it felt suffocating.

sunghoon set the bottle down, touching the nape of his neck which radiated a considerable amount of warmth. "no one said i was stressed."
his gaze shifted over to the bar counter, temporarily setting onto the bartender serving drinks, feeling icked. he was annoyed over anything that'd become a part of the 'cycle' at this point.

"remember that jungwon guy?" jake's speech sounded out-of-place, as if he was overly enthusiastic over that one topic. "he was so hot."

sunghoon eyed his companion down, obviously disinterested. not only that, disgusted too. disgusted by the junkie sitting beside him, and the places his mind was going. he could've easily made the other one to shut up, yet didn't. what do i even want to know? he'd think to himself.

"you know, those people, that are submissive, but at the same time, know what they're doing?" jake almost sounded proud over his one-night-stand choice. even as if he was expecting sunghoon to understand.

on the other hand, sunghoon didn't respond, internally grossed out as jake went on about stating the events of the night in a detailed manner. he was more grossed out by himself though, and again, his brain chemistry.

he found himself eyeing the third-most barstool to the left, until a familiar silhouette sat onto it, not even having to say a thing as the bartender already started pouring him shots of vodka. jake's voice had become a background noise, not that sunghoon found it to be any better previously.

"he's here," jake put his oversharing session to a stop, his breath immediately quickening up.

sunghoon leaned back onto the couch, shaking off a tense feeling.
jake almost lunged over jungwon. sunghoon saw a prey and a predator.

jake occupied the vacant stool right next to jungwon, starting off the conversation with a seemingly light-hearted topic. the crowd and music, however, blurred out the exchange. sunghoon wasn't surprised.

he watched his friend slowly outline the cryptic's lips, as if trying to soothe him out of his already wasted state. jungwon, on the other hand, didn't respond with much, apart from leaning his body against the other one.

sunghoon found himself instinctively grasping onto the half-empty vodka bottle, chugging it down. his gaze, not even once, left the other two, who were now getting overtly touchy, casually knocking down a borrelglas. the desperation had taken over his friend's body completely.

sunghoon couldn't remember keeping track of the amount he drank, yet the burning sensation in his throat made him feel relieved off a certain irritation. he found his hand to be trembling, fumbling over the table and quickly grabbing the second bottle.

he swigged that down too. that, until he felt someone run their hand down his arm, until the touch was all over him. who was it? it was too late to contemplate over it. his vision was getting hazy. the last thing he remembered seeing was jake laying his finger on and violating every inch of jungwon's body.

until his vision morphed into a blackout, and his senses came to a temporary stop.


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