Part 2

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     The path to the estate hadn’t been used in a long while. The estate, however, was ruined.
     Long, thorny vines ran in and out of windows and doors. The once immaculate garden was overgrown and full of weeds. Claw marks ran over the walls.
     Lyra held a hand out, her magic winding around the large door. The plants almost fought her as she forced them to recede, nudging the door open gently. The interior was absolutely destroyed…
     It had been years since she had been inside the manor, and it looked entirely different now.
     Any form of refinery was gone.
     Lyra walked through the estate carefully, receding some of the plants as she went. They didn’t want to go, but she forced them away from her, heading up the old stairs. Claw marks lined the walls and paintings, ruining them forever. She froze when she heard a loud boom in the old gardens, peeking outside.
     A massive golden beast was stalking through them, its long horns catching on the vines and plants. It got irritated quite quickly, snarling at them as it tore through them.
      Lyra stared at the creature, her eyes wide as she watched it disappear into a thicket. Her breath caught in her throat.
     That must be the High Lord. Rhys wanted her to bring him back? From this?
     She moved a little, hissing as her hand caught on an old piece of glass. Blood dribbled onto the wood, and Lyra watched in horror as the beast poked its large, furry head out, sniffing. It’s head shot up as she met its gaze through the shattered window, its green eyes burrowing through her soul.
     Although her hand was healed, she couldn’t move. Couldn’t think.
     He was beautiful.
     She screamed as he tore through the ruined garden, Lyra quickly rushing down the stairs. The doors exploded inwards, completely shattered.
     She backed up quickly as the beast stepped in, his dark green eyes on her as he crushed vines under his magnificent paws.
     Lyra backed against the broken wall, her heart racing wildly as he stepped towards her. “Holy crap..” She whispered.
     His claws were as big as her forearms, and he was massive.
     He lowered his large, furry head to her, exhaling. His hot breath blew her hair out of her face, and she gasped as he pressed his nose against her stomach, inhaling sharply.
     “You…Can you smell the Spring Court in me?” His eyes flicked to her face as he backed up a step, Lyra’s hands coming together in front of her.
     She concentrated, a yellow gladiolus growing in her hands. She showed it to him, watching as he nuzzled it lightly.
     Lyra opened her mouth to say something, but a loud crash from upstairs startled the beast. He snarled, quickly turning and sprinting out the busted front door.
     She took a deep breath, her hands shaky as she set the flower down. The estate could use some fixing…
      Lyra walked back to her cottage, quiet as she warded the doors for bed. Cassian soon knocked, smiling lightly at her. “Hey, Lyra. Any news?” She bit her lip a little, before nodding. “Yeah. I uh…I saw the beast today.” Cassian nodded. “Be careful, okay? He’s…pretty violent.” Lyra frowned. That’s not what she experienced today. He had been calm enough…
     She nodded, waiting till Cassian left to fully ward the door. The beast hadn’t been that violent…
      In the morning Lyra ventured to the store, buying wood and tools and anything she’d need to start fixing the estate.
     She trailed the path again, quiet as she set the bag of tools down. She closed her eyes, holding her hands toward the vines covering the front part of the estate. She broke a sweat as the vines slowly moved, pulling back against the sides of the manor.
     It would have to do for now.
     She hummed softly as she moved inside, casting a light above her head. The golden beast was nowhere to be seen right now, Lyra singing softly to herself as she worked. By the time lunch rolled around she had finished clearing the entryway, the only other things remaining being the holes in the floor and scratches in the walls.
     Lyra sat against the freshly clean walls, sighing softly as she tugged her knees to her chest. She hadn’t slept the night before, busy unpacking her new home. She sighed softly, resting her head back. Closing her eyes for a few seconds wouldn’t hurt, right?
     Lyra gasped as hot air blasted her face. A desert, maybe? The ocean?
     She opened a bleary eye, golden…something in front of her. She reached a hand out, blinking slowly. The soft locks curled between her fingers, another huff of hot air on her skin.
     Lyra bit back the scream that built in her throat as she fully opened her eyes.
     The beast was laying next to her. He had been watching her sleep, apparently.
     He nudged her hands again, seeming to purr as Lyra brushed her fingers through his fur. She scratched his nose lightly, a soft gruffing sound coming from his throat.
      He was literally just a giant dog. He bit when he was cornered, but he…he was a sweety.
      Lyra gently got up, starting to patch up the wooden floors the best she could. The beast watched her as she worked, and booked it when her stomach unexpectedly growled.
      She continued working, jumping when the estate doors slammed open. The High Lord walked in, dragging a large deer behind him. Lyra gasped a little as he set it down, moving over.
     “You…brought this in? For me?” He nodded, dragging it between the large staircases and turning a corner. Lyra followed carefully, watching as he hauled the carcass to the rickety table in the kitchen.
      Lyra chewed on her nail a bit as she watched him slice the fur off, letting the pelt fall to the broken floor. She moved over to the stove, grabbing the few leftover logs from the corner. Lyra gently stacked them, glancing at her newfound companion.
     “I can’t light a fire. It’s not in my magic.” He tilted his head, moving over and nudging the logs. They crackled lightly, before flames built under the stove top.
      The beast cut up the meat as Lyra hunted down a pan, digging in one of the remaining cabinets. She managed to find silverware and seasonings, smiling a little as she pressed the steaks into the pan. The beast watched her cook, his beautiful green eyes on her as she set the plates down.
      He immediately tore into his dinner, snarfing it down quickly. Lyra had only gotten a few bites down when he finished, a small giggle breaking from her throat.
     He waited patiently for her to finish eating, before moving to the sink and nudging the handles. They waited for dust and debris to go down the drain, before thoroughly washing the dishes.
     She’d have to clean the area up next, if this guy used it often. And she’d have to get more wood.
     Lyra sighed as she collected her things, the beast following her to the door. “I’m sorry, buddy. You can’t come to town with me looking like that.” He gruffed at her but nodded.
     As Lyra walked back to town in the dark, she swore that she saw golden fur glinting in the moonlight, making sure she got there safely.

A/N: Lookie here. Tamlin is being protective once more! One thing I struggle with is keeping true to the actual characters, but I don't think I'm doing a bad job this time. Thanks for reading! This part is 1243 words!

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