Part 3

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     It took almost two months before Lyra finished cleaning up the estate. The interior, that was.
     She had managed to force back the vines to the gardens, and she had to push them back a little more once in a while. They grew wildly, likely aided by magic. There was once when she had to fully fight them back from the front door again, which was coincidentally right after she had terrors all night.
     That had also been a bad day for the beast, who she had taken to calling Bowie. ‘Tamlin’ just didn’t seem right for him at the moment.
     Plus, it was easy to remember. She had chosen the name because of her childhood goldfish.
     He had helped haul away broken furniture and paintings, and he had brought deer everytime she stayed until dinner.
     Lyra hadn’t told Cassian about their progress yet, though. She loved Rhys and the Inner Court, but they were brash. They’d destroy anyone who was a threat to their happiness. Happiness they deserved.
     But the High Lord deserved happiness, too. Lyra had heard what had happened with Lady Feyre, but…
     He had sacrificed a lot for Prythian. And she fully believed that he deserved happiness as much as anyone else.
     She hummed as she led a large horse up the path, the animal pulling a large cart of furniture for the kitchen, including an icebox. It had all cost a small fortune, including the horse, but she didn’t mind. She spent enough time at the manor that the fridge was a necessity.
     She had also brought a large brush for the matted fur on Bowie’s paws and behind his ears. He would hate her, but-
     She paused as she crested the last large hill for the manor. The vines had fully reclaimed the front door, blocking off some of the path as well. She could see Bowie in the gardens, just the glint of his fur, but…
     Lyra sighed, rolling up her sleeves as she made the horse stop.
     She held out her hands, taking a deep breath as she started to push the thorns back. They fought against her, and it took pure will to get them past the front door. Lyra panted sharply as she shoved the new, heavy door open. Blood trailed the wooden floors, back past the kitchen and into one of the studies.
     She frowned as she followed it, to one of the shoved open doors to the torn up gardens. She glanced over her shoulder before walking outside.
     Despite having been cleaning the manor for two months, Lyra had never been out here. Bowie had blocked her path every time she tried.
     She tried forcing some of the thorns away from the path, but they refused to even budge. She sighed, before carefully maneuvering through the thorns. Bowie was at the far corner of the gardens, an area she suspected was the subject of many painters’ attention.
     She winced at the pains in her legs, cut up from the thorns. She didn’t allow them to heal, the pain grounding her.
     Bowie’s fur was matted with dark blood, and he was curled into the bushes. His dark eyes widened when he saw Lyra, and he growled a bit at her.
     Lyra held her hands out, her soft blue eyes gentle. “It’s okay. Let me help you. Please.”
     She kneeled next to him, tiny compared to his massive form.
     He watched her for a moment before relaxing, letting Lyra examine him. The blood was coming from multiple wounds on his body, Lyra quickly rushing inside. She came back with a towel and a bowl of warm water, gently cleaning his fur.
     She carefully healed the wounds as well, and then they cleaned up the blood on the floor.
     Bowie nudged at her legs, Lyra wincing at the pressure on the cuts. “I’m okay.” He eyed her before tromping outside, the horse neighing loudly.
     Lyra winced, rushing forward. “It’s okay-!” Bowie backed up, getting ready to bolt. Lyra calmed the horse quickly, holding his reins tightly as she turned to Bowie. “It’s okay. Come on…” He stalked forward slowly, Lyra gently taking one of his paws and setting it on the horses’ nose. “Here. Lightly, see?” She smiled gently, a genuine one.
     Bowie petted the animal lightly as Lyra turned back to the estate, moving to one of the thorny vines.
     She rested her hands in between the rigid thorns, closing her eyes. The vines went easier this time, receding to the gardens. She quickly cleared the rest, smiling at her work. Ivy had grown up some of the window sills, and it looked natural. The fountains outside were still broken down, and she’d have to find some books on how to fix them sometime soon.
     Bowie came up next to her, eyeing the manor. “Well? Does it look as good as it did before?” He huffed a breath before going to take the kitchen pieces inside, a soft laugh breaking from Lyra’s chest. “Alright.”
     When Lyra returned home that night, Cassian was settled into her worn, blanket-covered couch. He raised an eyebrow as her scratched up legs, her messy hair, and her sweat soaked shirt.
     “Well, then. Have you really been fixing up that ruined manor?” She paused, before nodding slightly. “I have.”
     He smiled a little. “I see. And you’ve been doing it alone?”
     She couldn’t lie to Cassian. He’d always been able to see through her shit. “Not entirely. Tulip out there has been helping.” She gestured to the large brown horse in the stable outside, Cassian’s barking laugh ringing in her ears.
     “Alright, Lyra. If you say so.” He ruffled her already messy hair, quiet. “Elain has been keeping an eye on your shop. She said that everything is doing fine.” Lyra loosed a breath, nodding. “Thanks.”
     Cassian went for the door, and she paused. “...wait. I uhm…I need access to my mother’s account.” She whispered softly, wrapping her arms around herself. She hadn’t touched the money in the two years her mother had been gone. The gold went deep…Enough so that she could finish cleaning the manor, furnish it, tear it down, and then rebuild it. She would still have money left over.
     Cassian nodded, a softness in his eyes that she hadn’t seen in a long while. “I’ll tell Rhys.” She watched as he flew away, quiet.
     The next day Lyra ordered as much furniture as she could. She considered every piece she selected, where it would go.
     She made sure the furniture would be dropped in front of the estate at times Bowie wasn’t there, the locals likely falling in love with her from how much money she was spending.
      She quickly packed a lunch and headed for the estate, flowers blooming along Spring Court land. The vines had only spread around the estate a little bit, barely reaching around the sides…
     Lyra nodded at Bowie as she walked in, laying a blanket down as she unpacked her food.
     “I brought you my favorite! It’s spicy chicken that was breaded, as well as some baked potatoes. It was my father’s favorite dish.” Lyra hummed, setting it out happily.
     Bowie nudged her legs a bit and glanced at her, Lyra sighing. “I’m fine. Just some scratches. I don't need to waste magic to heal them.” He seemed to frown at her like a disapproving parent, but sat back up to eat.
     She fell asleep pretty soon after eating, and it was peaceful for a bit. Her dreams were normal, just her and Bowie fixing the estate.
     And then they shifted.
     Velaris was calm, peaceful. Lyra was watering the flowers inside the shop, her magic gently working to perk up any wilting plants. Her mother was outside with customers, talking about the different flowers, and-
     Screams rose outside, strands of Lyra’s brown hair falling in her face as she glanced up. Dark winged beasts flew for the Rainbow, her mother getting people outside inside. Lyra made sure people got in, the store filling quickly as her mother slammed the glass doors shut, standing in front of them.
     Lyra held a hatchet tightly, shaking as some of the plants grew wildly. Vines outside exploded towards the creatures, Lyra guarding the people behind her.
     As creatures landed, her mother’s vines slammed into them. It was only a few minutes before the magic flickered. One of the creatures launched at her mother, blood spraying as Lyra screamed. They surrounded her like wolves, tearing into her mothers’ dark skin. Glassy eyes met Lyra’s, a small smile on her mother’s face as she died.
     Lyra threw a hand out as a sob broke from her throat, vines shattering the storefront glass. Nightmares made of pure terror flashed through her mind, her fathers’ magic at play as she walked across the massive plants.
     Flowers bloomed where she stepped, the creatures turning to her. They laughed when they beheld her flowers.
     A cruel, wicked smile played on her lips as she took them in. More rapid images of horror tore through her mind, and she laughed as vines shot forward.
     Lyra laughed as she tore them apart, her vines grabbing more and more of the creatures from the surrounding streets. Blood ran down the cobblestone, innocent and cruel mixing together.
     Water wolves darted down the streets, taking out any creature Lyra hadn’t gotten to yet.
     She cackled as blood coated her skin, as-
     Bowie was nudging her awake. Lyra blinked slowly, carefully sitting up. Her throat hurt, and…
     Vines had grown inside the estate.
     They covered the furniture that had arrived, but nothing seemed broken. Lyra’s face was wet as well, Bowie nudging her gently.
     A glass of water sat next to her, and she carefully drank, wiping her cheeks. “I, uhm…”
     He laid down against her, resting his head in her lap.
     “So…you heard about the attack on the Rainbow…? My mother…she was brutally slaughtered in front of me.” Lyra whispered softly. “They tore her down…like she was nothing.” Tears rolled down her cheeks again as she pet Bowie, his dark eyes sad. “I killed them. Did you know that I had never taken a life before that?” She smiled sadly, shaking a little. “But that day I took fifty seven. And I don’t know how to come back from that…”
     He nudged her hands gently, quiet.
     “She was from your court. She loved it here.” Bowie tilted his head, his eyes going to her ears. “You knew every High Fae. But my mother wasn’t High Fae. She was a lesser faerie.” He sat up, eyeing her a bit. Lyra felt anger rise.
     “I know that you’re Tamlin. You never cared about the lesser faeries of this court.” Bowie’s eyes widened with hurt.
     Lyra stood, shaking as she glared at him. “If you had cared just a little bit more for your court instead of trying to gain back a woman who didn’t want you, my mother would still be alive!” Bowie bolted out the door at her words, the thorny vines growing quickly. Images flared through her mind.
     Fear coursed through her veins. Pain and sorrow as a young woman pounded on the windows of the manor. Pure rage as bones snapping rings through a cavern. Joy at wedding white and a poofy dress. Bittersweet melancholy as light flares on a bloody battlefield, Rhys groaning as he begins to breath once more.
     When Lyra opened her eyes, Bowie was gone.

A/N: Lyra lost her cool a little bit...but we also know exactly what happened to her mother! Pretty brutal, honestly...Anyway, this part is 1915 words! Thanks for reading!

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