I need Ace.

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The journey to Lili's was slightly awkward for her, however Eyeball seemed to be coping well as he tapped his finger to the beat of Great Balls Of Fire on the steering wheel. He'd heard it while playing mailbox baseball with Billy, Charlie and Ace.

Lili watched the fields as the car drove pretty fast down the roads. Then a soft voice piped up,

"You know, if you ever want to talk" Eyeball said, "I'm always here for you, you know?"

"I know..thank you Eyeball, you might be a dick to the rest of the city but I know you're here for me." She exhales a breath she didn't know she was holding as she placed her hand on his shoulder reassuringly.

Although Lili knew that her house wasn't far away now, she flipped herself - facing Eyeball - and closed her eyes as she started to feel them get heavier. Slowly the girl fell asleep as Eyeball took a few more turns trying to avoid potholes in the road.

Her driveway had a white chevy parked in the driveway so Eyeball was forced to park outside; Lili, fast asleep, wasn't about to wake up anytime. With a struggle to keep her comfortable - and asleep - Eyeball grabbed her bag and got her keys out to go unlock and open the door before being able to carry her bridal style into her home and to her bedroom.

The trip was absolutely dire for him but he got her to bed safely, removing her shoes and any loose jewellery she was wearing. He didn't want her getting tangled up- he switched on her lamp and switched off her ceiling light.

"G'night Lil." Eyeball stated while putting the blanket over her.

He went down the stairs pretty fast nearly tripping (he had a few too many), before he left he felt a bit thirsty so he went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water before driving back to Irby's.

But before Eyeball even finished his glass of water he heard someone try the door. He sort of panicked not knowing who the hell would be trying to get into Lillian's home at this time. Gently he placed the glass down on the kitchen bench and quickly searched the kitchen for something - anything he could use as a weapon. A rolling pin caught his eye, trust him to not have his switchblade in what could be a real crisis.

The door opened given it wasn't locked (Eyeball planned on going in and straight back out once he knew Lil was safe), so he crept through the living room and close to the stairs which he heard the intruder walk up. Eyeball couldn't recognise whoever it was from behind, yet as he was halfway up the stairs and definitely about to get to Lili,  Eyeball ran up the stairs and grabbed whoever it was by the shirt. Both of them tumbled down the stairs and as they hit the bottom the intruder fought back- luckily Eyeball was the one with the rolling pin, with one hit the intruder was knocked out.

"The fuck?!" He spits out after turning a light on and seeing who it was.

Suddenly he heard footsteps at the top of the stairs- Lili.

"Lili stay up there!" He shouts up.

"What's happened?" Lili could hardly shout back given how tired she was. Instead of waiting for an answer she inspected the scene from the top of the stairs.

"Holy fucking shit Eyeball!!" She found the energy to shout as she walks down a few stairs and sits down.

She looked down at an unconscious body, Wes' unconscious.

"The fuck did he think he was doing?" Eyeball says putting the rolling pin down but keeping it close incase he regained consciousness.

"Eyeball... what the hell happened?" She questions nervously picking her nails.

"Lil- where's your phone? I need to call the police- I guess an ambulance too." Eyeball stays ignorant to Lili's question. Mostly because he didn't have the answers to her question really. All he knew was that the creep who used to hit Lili was trying to get to her room.

After telling eyeball where the phone was it took about 15 minutes after calling for the police to turn up at the house. Police asked both Eyeball and Lili questions no matter how much Eyeball insisted that Lili wasn't involved. It was now 23:21 and Lili was especially tired; she couldn't go back to bed as the cops were in her living room assessing the situation.

"No way you're questioning her! She was in bed, she's the victim! Not that sorry ass bastard-" Eyeball tries to defend Lili.

"..Language" Is all Lili can let out through picking her nails and trying to look in every direction except the police officers sitting in front of her.

She observed the room they were in. Once a happy, loving, family house- now plagued by her fear that Wes, or anybody could get into her house. Looking to her front door she flinched thinking about the first time he came to her house and now this.. would she ever feel safe?

Her whole mood changes as she focussed on how messed up her life got within the days since her mom had died til the minute they were at of this day.

"Ma'am will you be okay staying here tonight? We can place an officer on watch if you're scared." The larger officer said.

"No no I'll be stayin here tonight to make sure no more of those goons come in here!" Eyeball shouted pointing outside (signalling to Wes).

"Sir please calm down." A young police woman said trying to dilute the situation as she knew her partner also had a short temper.

Soon enough the officers left the house after assessing and asking about the night. Eyeball answered all of the questions given how shaken up Lili was.

They made their way upstairs to Lillian's room. She sulked as she sat at the end of her bed.

"How the hell did he even know I would be here? I've been with Ace for the past few days!" She found the words leaving her mouth faster than she could process them.

"Look Lil you've had a long night. Get some rest." He says encouraging her to change I to pyjamas and get some sleep as he leaves the room.

She took his advice, changed her clothes into her pyjamas and got comfortable in her bed. Except she wasn't comfortable. Yes Eyeball was just downstairs with the dreaded rolling pin- but she was alone, her lamp was on but that didn't make her feel secure enough. How she wished Ace was here to wrap his arms around her and tell her she was okay.

"Eyeball?" She shouts.

"Yeah" he appears in her room fast as lighting.

"Could you sleep in here with me?"

"Sure thing Lils, I'll take the floor." He says going to grab his pillow and blanket from downstairs.

As he gets back into the room before he gets comfy on the floor Lili almost whispered her words out- "Up here.. Beside me?"

Eyeball just nods, turning the big light off, the lamp on and makes his way to the other side of the bed.

Lili looks up at her ceiling as Eyeball hops on top of the covers and puts his blanket over him.

"I'm scared Eyeball."

"Yeah I know." He also looks up at the ceiling, both of them never really shared their thoughts with each other. It was easier to avoid eye contact.

"I'm scared of Wes and I'm scared that I've pissed off Ace, but I'm also scared because I don't really have any family left." Her eyes well up and a few tears fall down her face and onto her pillow - still, she looked up at her ceiling avoiding any eye contact.

"Hey," he holds her hand, "Don't you be scared about pissing off Ace- he needs put in his place sometimes. Nd you got us, we're you're family. Me. Ace. The Cobras. We'll look after you."

Lili wiped her eyes and slowly fell asleep. One thought still circling her mind-

I need Ace.

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