I awoke to the strike of a match which lit a candle that shone through my eyelids. I stretched while still laying down with a deep groan. "Ugh, Laura? Is that you?"
She shuffled off and the door clicked closed.
I guess she's in a rush. I opened my eyes to find an white, inch thick book that could fit in my hand, called The Ultimate Manners Manual, Volume Two with no author to speak of. Next to that, was a pitcher of water and a small grey plate with bread, butter, and a couple of carrots.
I reached for the book with a grumble and opened to the first page.
This author, renowned for her skills at teaching even the rowdiest aristocratic children how to behave, although popular among mothers who have their duties to attend to, remains anonymous to keep the identities of any children used as examples, protected from any unsavory individuals. (Any names used are not accurate to the examples that are used, but they would be even better protected if no one could question who it was based on who she taught.)
I munched on my buttered bread and appreciated that it wasn't rock hard for once. In fact, it was warm and soft, like it had freshly come out of an oven. A bit salty from the creamy butter and the bread itself was honey-sweet. It was enough to stir me from my stupor and get back to reading The Ultimate Manners Manual, Volume Two.
"To give a rough summary of what you will be reading, I shall start with the beginning of courtmanship.
Firstly, when a lady is approached by a gentleman, it would do the gentleman much good to realize his position and show an appropriate amount of enthusiasm upon first meeting her. The lady in question, must too also realize her position, and may listen intently rather than offering her thoughts upfront. If she feels that there is a gentleman that might be a better suitor and that this one shall not suit her, then she may decline any advancements on his part. A gentleman is to make the first move, but it is the lady that very well may make the final one.
If a gentleman is to pursue the lady thereafter, then he shall no longer be a gentleman, rather, just a man.
If the lady is to accept his affections, then a courtship shall begin. On outings, a lady is required to have a chaperone to retain her modesty and social standing, lest she be viewed as an unmarried woman with loose morals. This, however sharp and cruel, is how many may view her if this rule is not adhered to, regardless of her intentions or situation. A gentleman must ensure that to retain his lady's dignity, that the chaperone is not to be separated from her at any time.
The chaperone may be anyone that the lady might know, like a mother, a married sister, a close lady friend, or even a cousin if it suits her. It would not be advised for the chaperone to be of the opposite sex, lest her reputation be at a somewhat higher risk.
In the earlier stages of courtship, the couple must call each other by their title (should they have one) and then their surname, or Lord and Lady, Sir and Madam, and so on..."
The summary went on.
I flipped through the pages and as I figured, each chapter went into nauseating depth about how a couple should act before a marriage, during a wedding, the wedding night, then after the celebrations have ended.
It was somewhat amusing to read, until I realized that I am not only the target audience, but also that the times have not changed enough here for such a book to become outdated.
Is Laura trying to help me or is she trying to send a message? I sat up from my bed and pushed myself off the edge. Wouldn't it have been better for her to give me the volume that'll help me out with social outings that aren't romantic?
Dark Halls, Stone Walls
Mystery / ThrillerWhen a woman wakes in a glamorous wedding dress and a bright room with no semblance of who she was or what she is doing there, she quickly realizes that she must get her memories back so she can leave the castle... but surrounded by invisible people...