Hey there y'all!
Don't worry, I'm not quitting writing this any time soon! Sorry for the click-baity title, but I didn't know how else to say this.
I really hope y'all have been enjoying this book so far, but to you, my beloved readers, I must offer a warning.
If you are one of my pre-dreamland raid folks, I apologize for the late heads up, but hopefully I'll have caught on to everyone early enough before y'all get caught by surprise.
So, I don't normally believe in trigger warnings, but I also understand that this book is marketed towards everyone and I seem to have some younger ones in the audience. I also sometimes sneak around in y'all's reading lists out of curiosity to see what you like/what you might be expecting from this book. One of y'all's public reading lists is mostly romance with possessive and/or powerful/rich men as the love interest.
TO BE CLEAR, I'm not judging! I have my own tastes and it's not far off from that. (More in the supernatural realm though... obviously.) My point is that y'all might not like some of the things that will come up next due to the nature of how romance books tend to be... well, more mild. This book is already somewhat intense and can get dark, but I haven't exactly shown how dark it can get... and y'all know I can be pretty dang descriptive, for better or for worse.
If you're like me and don't like spoilers, then stop reading RIGHT NOW and click onward.
If you have issues that you might want a heads up on, read further on down below. However, if you'd prefer to just know what IS NOT in this book, read just below this sentence. (This way, you aren't really spoiled for what happens next. Generally, I have two major turn-offs in what I read, hence, you'll likely never see me write it.)
NOT IN THE BOOK (and will never be): Sexual assault, anything explicit or graphic involving minors.
IN THE BOOK: Murder/death/dying, graphic field surgeries, self-medication (technically).
Dark Halls, Stone Walls
Mystery / ThrillerWhen a woman wakes in a glamorous wedding dress and a bright room with no semblance of who she was or what she is doing there, she quickly realizes that she must get her memories back so she can leave the castle... but surrounded by invisible people...