Roller rink and lunch dates

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Toms pov
About an hour later we were all sitting in the car listening to a song izz had put on. Izz and i were belting our hearts out whilst zendaya sat quietly in the passenger seat. I started to feel bad because I could see that she was uncomfortable. But instead of adding to the tension and making it awkward for not just us but bella as well, I just decided to leave it alone and I'd talk to her about it later.

I drove us to the roller rink first by izzy's request. She was so excited to be out having fun. I can tell that she hasn't been to a roller rink before and thats why i chose it for the date. Zendaya is a single mom that works very odd hours so i know that it's hard to find days to just go out and do fun activities like this. As well as the fact that she is well known and people are crazy.
After paying the entrance fee we all head to the booth to rent out roller skates. I also got izz a skate trainer to prevent her from falling. (The things little kids use to push themselves and also helps them from falling).
We all headed on to the rink and slowly but surely started to skate. After about ten minutes izz was moving by herself which left the two of us by ourselves.

"Thanks for bringing us out here"zendaya said. This was the third time she had spoken to me since I picked them up.
"No problem really , i love hanging out with the both of you" i wanted her to know that even this ugh i really like her and want to get know her , that i want me and Isabella to have a great relationship if this works out.
"Look Tom your a really sweet guy and i think that your also great to hang out with but i don't want to bring someone into Isabella's life if they aren't going to be a permanent part. She already doesn't have a dad and i know it bothers her even if she doesn't openly admit it ."
"Zendaya, I want to be here for the both of you. I need you to understand that Im not gonna leave when it gets hard and im definitely not going to treat that kid like trash because she deserves way more than she got from her dad,so please please give me a chance?"
"Ok well start off slow,but please don't make me regret this".
We were suddenly tossed forward and bearly kept balance as bella lunged straight into us.
"Guys im hungry" she says.
"Well i guess it's time for us to head out.i have reservations set for 30 minutes so that's perfect"
Were back in the car this time the ride was more lively and talkative. Izzy talked about other places we could go and daya laughed at the very interesting ideas her little mind came up with.
We eventually arrived to the restaurant. It was a quaint little place with a great atmosphere . I chose it because not only was it quiet and unknown by many but it had lots of options for kids. We sat in a little tiny corner and enjoyed our meals then headed out.
"Before i drop you guys home ive got one more stop for us, because little miss izzy wants a sundae" . I took them to my favorite ice cream Parlour. they sold almost any flavor of ice cream that you could think of. Daya got a macha flavor , izzy got a strawberry shortcake sundae and i got a mint chocolate chip. Izzy ended up eating mines after she dropped hers and ive had a little kid hug me so tightly.

The day had been long and it was time to drop them home. I walked them to there door and made sure they got in . Afterwards I chose to head out so that they could settle down for bed. After a few hugs and fair wells i walked out content with the day we had had. I was immediately stopped when izzy called out.
"Tommy!wait!" I stopped and turned.
She ran towards me with a bracelet. "I made us matching bracelets" it was the sweetest thing i'd ever seen . The bracelet was hand made with the colors of spider man. "Thank you for today.My dads never really around and your the closest thing to a dad i have.but can you promise me something?" I looked at her little face and my heart bursted with admiration. This little girl saw me as a father figure " what do you want me to promise you kid?"
"Do you promise to stick around please? I don't wanna lose you ,you're my favorite."
That crushed my heart i knew i had to be the one to change her outlook.Shes a little kid she shouldn't feel this way. I pulled her into a hug and said
"I promise izz, i promise.."
I let her go and told her to get inside and id see her a little later. It was late and i didnt need her mom to be worried.

An : i had some motivation so I decided to write a little something 🙂

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