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_lt is the duty of the father as the family head to instruct the children to learn moral values, attitudes and skills. It is a duty assigned the father by the creator of the marriage institution when he said: This laws that l am commanding you must prove to be in your heart and you must inculcate them in your children when you lie down, when you rise up and when you walk on the road; this implies all the time. How can a father be able do this when he is not living with the children as a result of separation from their mother?

Children tend to remain with their mother rather than their father during separation of their parents.

Of course this is to be expected for the fact that their father would not be available to prepare their meals when they need them; like when they return from school. They would hold on to separation as an excuse to flee from the stern instructions that they would receive from their father that would have directed them to the right way of life. They would want to stick with their mother who would tolerate what their father would not.

To stay with their mother who would pamper them and would find it difficult to say no when she had to.

At the end of the day, after working all day to feed and care for the children; who have become spoilt by her; now leaving all the work at home to be done by her alone; she seat in the living room with the children.

Having eaten to satisfaction, now they are either watching the the television or surfing the internet. She would have wanted to ask about their day at school but always too tired to do so as she falls asleep, having gathered her legs subconsciously into the sofa that she normally used to seat and for tiredness would not wake up till the next day

In this way, they continued living, day after day, night after night. The children only have someone that gives them food, money and clothing but no one to teach them what is right and wrong.

Their mother thought she was loving them, but when they have a problem to share with her, she was always too busy or tired to listen.

They are left with no other option but to turn to their peers who have nothing to offer as solution to their problems. So they lacked true parental care and love.

So they turned out to become careless and loveless. All because their parents  could not save their marriage.

Even if their father would have wanted them to live with him and his new wife, their mother would forbid them to live under the eyes of a stranger; yes a stranger: that is what her former husband's new wife meant to her.

So the viscous circle continues and the children turn to the use of hard drugs to flee from this cruel life -as it were- of not living with both parents.

They become addicted to drugs and stole in order to maintain their drug habit. They ended up in jail. And while in prison, they learned something else: how to murder.

In this way your first son (Johnny) by your ex-wife, gradually becomes a professional Assassin; the deadliest criminal in town. Readily at the service of the political war - lords. They can always depend on him. He never misses target. He always does a clean job; leaving no traces behind. When there are ballot boxes to be stolen from polling stations that are promising of more votes to the opponents, he hired men like him to do it. But when there are innocent people to kill in order to scare people away from voting for the opponents, he does that himself as a professional Assassin.

This is what your son has become due to a single parental upbringing instigated by your permanent separation from his mother.

That Johnny had spent times in and out of jail was a far cry from you. But you were soon to learn of his present deadly attitudes after you made the greatest mistake of your life; when you Willed the largest part of your Assets to James (the son of your new wife). You did not stop at that but asked your Attorney to send a letter to Johnny to inform him of the look of Your Will before your possible demise.

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