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Junior have just passed out of the University as a political scientist; to Johnny's greatest pleasure.

Now Johnny is on his way riding on his power bike to transport hard drugs across the border. The new police chief though pretending  to be loyal to the Mafias had actually vowed to himself  that before he leaves office, he would destroy Johnny.

On this day, he sent 500 armed police men to wait for Johnny in the border.

When Johnny rode into the border, he found himself surrounded by a great crowd of armed police men who completely sealed the border with heavy timbers.

Sighting the police men from the distance, he was about turning back his bike to flee, when he heard sounds of police alarm blowing behind him, so he knew he had been traped in their middle with no room of escaping.

Immediately Johnny stoped his bike, having no other choice, the police men took his bag that was containing marijuana and his gun, from his shoulders, have him handcuffed and led into their waiting land- drover.

The whole thing was like a cinema to Johnny; he could not really believe it was real.

Now his whole life was moving before him like the film in a cinema projector: starting from when he was plucking mango as a little school boy and ending in the boder where he is now arrested. He knew that his end has come. Regretting not listening to an inner voice that kept telling him that the new police chief cannot be truly loyal; right from the time he saw him in the television.

Now his end has come, soon Johnny would be no more as prophesied by those he assassinated.

Though Johnny had assassinated many with his gun, he assassinated more with hard drugs. No wonder as if by divine arrangement, he was not caught while killing with his gun but while about transporting hard drugs that would eventually shorten people's lives.

While Junior ( Johnny's son) was seating with his mother in the living room to listen to the late evening nationwide television broadcast; he saw his father climbing down from a power bike surrounded by a great crowd of armed police men who took his bag off his shoulders and have him handcuffed. Junior turned to look at his mother and said: why are they arresting my father? With  teary eyes she replied: it is a long story you are soon to hear!

Junior turned his attention back to the television just as the broadcaster began to say: Johnny the Hawk, the notorious Assassin, the Mafias kingpin have finally been arrested by 500 armed police men while on his way to sell hard drugs across the border.

Immediately, Junior heard a great uproar coming from people in the neighborhood at this statement by the broadcaster. Junior turned to his mother and asked: is that true mum, is that why all are jubilating.

Aha! Junior cried to himself; l can remember reading about Johnny the Hawk, how he steals children from the side walk; so my father is the Hawk.

So having answered his own question, his mother had no need to try answer his last question; as she has started weeping profusely.

At this very moment, Johnny's Restaurant was set ablaze by those who recognized that the one they are seeing in the television, is the owner of the restaurant.

Johnny became a notorious armed Robber: continued the newscaster not just out of choice, but  largely out of circumstances; as a product of a single parent home instigated by his late father ( Mr. Benson) the billionaire Civil Engineer who divorced his mother and Married another woman.

So Jonny lived with a pampering mother and was never cared for by a father who would have been able to say no to Johnny when he was becoming wayward. So Johnny started using hard drugs as he was confused as to what is good or bad. And ended up in jail while trying to steal in his quest to maintain his drug habit as he became addicted to hard drugs.

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