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Junior began to gain massive support during the campaign for the presidency in both home and abroad. For a law has just been made in the country allowing citizens in diaspora to send their  vote as a text message to the electoral commission during the election.

All the undergraduates of the federal government university that Junior attended and bagged a first class degree in political science, sent messages to undergraduates of other universities in the country that if they want a young and qualified president to rule the country, there is no one else like Junior. They attached Junior's antecedence to the messages.

These along with the campaigns organized by the Mafias themselves; acquired a lot of support for Junior. So that before the election proper, Junior was sure to be victorious.

When the day of the presidential  election arrived, the name: Junior Bathlomio was in the mouth and mind of almost everyone in the country.

Yes Bathlomio- his mother father's name was the surname Junior had been using under the tutoring of his mother which was supported by his late father ( Johnny) when he was alive and became aware of it.

So there was no connection to the Bensons in Junior's name.

Majority of the people had no doubt in their minds of whom to vote for in both home and abroad; as all voted for Junior.

So when the results of the election were announced; in cities after cities, local government after local government areas, States after states, Junior had the highest vote. So when, at the end he was declared the winner of the presidential election and the president elect of the country, there were jubilations all over the country.

Junior who was watching the television with his mother in the living room; when he was declared the winner, jumped out of his chair only to catch his mother in mid - air who had also jumped out of her seat, ran towards Junior and jumped at him to embrace him, so having been caught in the air by Junior, they both landed in the sofa as they were overwhelmed with joy at the outcome of the election results; with great excitement over Junior's victory.

It was like a dream to Cordilia who found it difficult to believe that she had just become the mother of the new president elect of the country.

At that moment Junior's phone rang! It was his grandmother congratulating him for winning the election. Give the phone to your mother: she said to Junior. When Junior gave his mother his phone, he heard both women laughing together; congratulating each other. Then suddenly their laughter was turned into mourning as both regretted that Junior's father and grandfather were not alive to see their son becoming the president of the country.

When they ended the call, Junior's aunties also called to congratulate Junior over his victory in the election.

After three months, Junior Bathlomio was sworn in as the new president of the country.

According to promise, he gave the Mafias political positions.  Thus
the Mafias went into a state of nefarious inactivity. Not only because their kingpin was no more, but because the son of their late kingpin had them promised to do so by giving them political appointments as the new president of the country.

So the country was peaceful during the subsequent elections; no electoral violence, no missing of children and no stealing of ballot boxes. People were properly elected into the government: Into houses of assemblies and the Senate.

So in this way Junior Bathlomio; the unknown son of the most lawless man that ever existed in the country, became the most lawful president of the country.

Junior recommended a bill to be passed by the Senate preventing every divorcee from contesting elections and from holding political positions in the country.

After going through first second and third reading, the bill was voted by the majority in the Senate and was signed by the president into law that was included in the country's constitution.

Afterward, all the divorcee politicians; who have divorced their wife simply to marry younger women, started calling back their former wives for remarriage.

So there were occasions to celebrate remarriage allover the country.

The Senate itself also recommended a bill that would prevent divorcee civil servants from serving in the government.

After hearing, the bill was voted by the Senate and was signed into law by president Junior Bathlomio.

Again all civil servants who have divorced their wives for trivial reasons started calling back their wives for remarriage.

So occasions to celebrate remarriage were held by the civil servants all-over the country.

So Junior's administration was marred with joy and happiness at the new laws that he made to exist in the country.

Unknown to many that their president was targeting divorcee because of the negative impact that they have on the society. On their children who could become unruly and dangerous citizens of the society.

As products of a single parent home like it happened to his late father that prevented him from seeing his son becoming the president of the country.

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