Vivian's Magic Show [Part 1 - Arrival]

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[Fen's POV]

The next day, Xister took me out to a magic show, which was hosted by the famous magician, Vivian.  Vivian was a very experienced person, but sometimes she lets her magic get a bit... Out of hand.

Xister: "Don't worry, Fen, it'll be great!  Vivian's tricks may sometimes be a little dangerous, but we'll be okay!"

Xister tried to assure me that we would be fine, even if Vivian's magic started getting out of control.

Fen: "If you die, I'll kill Vivian..."

I sounded like I meant that.

Xister: "Uhm... O-Okay then.  Let's just hope it doesn't come to that, yeah?"

I nodded.  We eventually reached the place where the magic show was taking place.  Vivian was practicing behind the stage.

Xister and I sat down at our seats as the show starts.  Vivian appeared onto the stage as if she teleported there.

Vivian: "Good morning, everyone!  Feeling good, yes?  Let's get this show started!"

The magic show went on for hours, and nothing seemed abnormal... Yet.  I couldn't help but feel that something was definitely going to backfire at some point, but at least Xister and I would be ready when it happened.

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