Chapter 2

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I've been wanting to play this game again, so I just went ahead. When I selected the game I felt an earthquake. It wasn't powerful enough to break anything, just rattle me and the house. The scenery outside had changed to a field of grass, tree stumps, and rocks.

"No.....did I really?" I asked myself.

So I was in the game, not good. The Bishops were genocidal asshats and I didn't know what to expect from the Lamb since their behavior is based on the player's decisions. Plus there's all the monsters and parasitic mushrooms, oh boy. As I was looking out the window I saw a fox, they were starved and bruised. I wasn't sure how they would react to me and my never before seen type of housing, I went downstairs to look out the eyehole in the front door. They were walking towards my house, but gave no reaction. I was confused at first until I saw them walk through the door like a ghost and give no response. Oh, me and my house are undetectable to them. Ok.

"Please. Someone, help me! If there are any gods listening please help!" she screamed.

Well I made food earlier so might as well try here, it'd be interesting to play this game in real life. Outside a bowl of berries and fish popped out of nowhere, the fox ran and downed them.

"Thank you! Whatever deity you are, thank you! I will forever serve you faithfully!" she screamed.

I wonder what would be a good design for an outfit, maybe a dragon on the front? Or a ghost? Maybe combine the 2? I recently had a dream where I turned into a bat, that could work. I'll just go with ghost since A, that's basically what I am right now, and B, I'm not any specific animal, I'll be a formless spirit that can be whatever. I decided the outfit would be a black t shirt with dark blue sleeves and a green ghastly face, basically Shade as a t shirt. As I was preparing to give the fox lady her outfit her info popped up. Her name was Breanmoor(I'll just call her Bree for short) and her traits were Faithful, Zealous, and Naturally Obedient. Before I could indoctrinate her I had to name my cult, since I was a ghost I wanted to name it something relating to that. Phantom Followers came to mind, and that's about it since I wanted alliteration but couldn't come up with anything else. So Phantom Followers it was. Once I named my cult and indoctrinated Bree, the things from the base in the beginning of the game appeared. The circle where followers appear, the building circle, the teleportation circle, and berry bushes.

"Amazing, my faithfulness brought all this into existence," Bree said.

I wanted to respond but I knew she wouldn't here me, so I just did some harvesting and building around the site. I made a cooking station and basic stone tools for follower use, I tried to make a bed but apparently I was limited to the games rules. Bree understood what to do and went to work, meanwhile I decided to explore using the teleporter. There was the usual stuff: the lake, Ratau's Hut, the Midas guy, Sozo, and the 4 doors to the Bishops domains. Guess the Lamb hadn't started their cult yet, well Imma explore Darkwood. Either I can't touch anything or I get lucky and manage to do a real life run of this game.


The 4 siblings were taking their daily rest, when all of a sudden they simultaneously had a vision.

"Siblings, we have a new concern we must address," Leshy began.

"First the Prophecy of the Lamb, now this," Heket continued.

"Either we convince him to join us, ensuring our reign," Kallamar followed.

"Or he falls like the lambs before him," Shamura concluded.

Just then a follower came to deliver news.

"The final lamb has been captured, as you have demanded," he said.


"Interesting, this presents a new opportunity," the death god said.

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