Chapter 4

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So the hedgehog had the traits Zealous, Germaphobe, and Sickly. Good reminder to keep things clean. Right after indoctrinating him someone else showed up, an owl.

"Please, spare me." they said.

I did and once I got them in I decided to say some words at the temple.

"I would like to thank you all for attending. Since the 2 new members don't know, it's important to know that for now, though I possess power, I am a ghost to the mortal world. Unless I possess a vessel or control inanimate objects I can't interact with you. Meaning you will not be able to see, hear, or feel my presence at all. As your leader, I want to build trust, so that is why I'm sharing this information. As for my origins I hail from another world, and at some point in the future, I will share parts of my culture to you. However for now, we must work on necessities for the cult. I of course will provide, but you will also have your duties. Bree, as my 1st follower you are officially 2nd in command and are responsible when I am gone."

I gave her a robe to replace her t shirt, she looked ready to faint.

"For now, all I ask of you is to gather wood and stone, those will be necessary for later. That is all for now."

After that I got the energy from them, which allowed me to open the upgrades menu. There were 2 paths, one was to put energy into being able to appear to others physically, and the other was to improve my possession abilities. I'd rather be able to appear in person (even if it did mean potentially becoming more vulnerable) so I went with that. Afterwards I used the stone fragments for the doctrine. Instead of a bonfire like in game I got a shadow puppet show, which was fitting given which of my OCs I was. It was free to use, but in exchange it had a 10 day cooldown, that's fair.

"Now everyone, may I present to you, The Ritual of Dancing Shadows."

I put on a show for them and they all cheered and clapped. I dismissed them afterwards and got back to work. I collected devotion and unlocked farming, set up some farm plots, cooked, cleaned up the mess my followers made after eating, then decided to go out. I didn't want to head back to Darkwood so I figured a game of Knucklebones would be fun. One teleport later and I was at Ratau's hut.

"Greetings! You must be The Ghost my Lamb friend told me about," he said.

"Yes I am, word is your hut is the place to go to play Knucklebones. If that's true, care for a game?" I asked.

"Of course! I never back down from a game, how much do you wish to bet?" Ratau responded.

"Nothing for now, I just wish for a simple, friendly game," I answered.

"As you wish," Ratau said.

We went back and forth, I won most, but he managed to surprise me on a few rounds. It was a fun waste of time, once the sun started going down that's when I decided to go back. I saw everyone get ready for sleep, good thing I won a bunch of gold to make more beds. I went back into my house, just because I was in the COTL world didn't mean I was 100% going native, I'm not staying up 24-7 like The Lamb did. I ate a quick microwave dinner, then went to bed. I rolled around for a bit, before finally descending into a peaceful rest. Which quickly changed when I 

felt myself falling.


I landed in a corridor of doors, some with my followers faces on them, some blank.


I knocked on the door of a random blank one, it wasn't completely shut so it creaked open. The other side was an empty room, reminding me of where Gaster was found. I checked out Bree's door and on the other side was the cult, but beside my statue there was one of Bree.

"Ohhhhh, this is her dream. That makes sense. Well, better leave this alone. Don't wanna see something I'll regret, these are unfiltered thoughts."

I kept walking to see if I could find anything else. Eventually, I stumbled across The Lamb and his followers. Guess this dream/mind scape connected everyone, wonder where the Bishops and Narinder were.

"Definitely don't want to risk him catching me and getting pissed off, I'm out."

I kept going and found a few more familiar faces, Ratau, The Fisherman, etc. And then I woke up.

"So what have I learned? Leshy is chaos, Heket is starvation, Kallamar is sickness, Shaumara is war/knowledge, Narinder is death, and my domain is dreams."

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