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i wanna say that i'm in love, i wanna about it from the rooftops.

"SKYWALKER?" Regina questioned, frowning slightly. He was standing at the far side of the Temple garden, leaning against one of the pillars. Kenobi was nowhere in sight, and Anakin was just there. He turned to face her, a massive grin on his face.

"I had to see you," he said, beaming. Regina couldn't resist smiling back.

"You heard?"

If possible, his smile increased.

"I might have squeezed it out of my master," he replied. "I am so proud of you, my love." He took a step toward her, pulling her into a hug. Shaded and out of sight from most prying eyes, he planted a kiss on her forehead, holding her head in his hands.

"I'm surprised you're not jealous, Skywalker," Regina smirked, gazing into his blue eyes. He shook his head, laughing.

"I might be a little jealous," he admitted. "That reminds me... What is the first thing you're going to do as a Jedi Knight?"

"Well, after I move some of my things into my new room in the Knight's section, I was going to head over to our flat," she said quietly. "I plan to get it prepared for when we want to use it." She'd thought about it long and hard. She no longer had a curfew and even though this was her first day as a Knight, no one would be monitoring her whereabouts. Which meant she could go inspect her new house and check on R2-D2 and C-3P0–Padmé's people had dropped them off there as soon as they'd arrived on the planet.

Anakin gave her a look that showed more than words can describe.

"Always the planner," he remarked. "I wish I could help you." This last comment was met with a look of disappointment and frustration.

"You'll be Knighted soon enough, Skywalker," Regina assured him.

"I hope you're right, Regina," he replied.

"I always am, remember?"

He smiled.

"I'm so proud of you."

"You said that."

"I mean it."

Her heart happy, Regina gave him a quick hug.

"I'll see you later," she said regretfully. "Kenobi's probably looking for you."

"What would he do without me?" Skywalker sighed dramatically.

Regina chuckled and squeezed his hand one last time.

"See you around, Skywalker."

✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩

Regina's new quarters in the Temple were slightly bigger than the ones she'd had as a Padawan but they didn't come anywhere close to the flat that Padmé had left in her possession.

It was located in the wealthy section of the planet, though not where politicians or other super high-class people dwelt. Located across from the Temple, but quite a distance away, the flat was a decent sized living space with three bedrooms, a large living room, a balcony, and more luxuries than Regina, as a Jedi, could imagine for herself. It was furnished with contemporary furniture, all well-taken care of. All of it was better than Regina could have imagined. And though it technically wasn't hers, it was a place of recluse where she and Anakin could spend time together.

When she arrived, she found 3P0 and R2 already at work, arranging and dusting furniture, placing food in cupboards, and a few other things. All that was left was for the bed to be made, and once Regina arrived, between herself and the protocol droid, it was all taken care of.

After everything was just the way she wanted it, she collapsed onto the couch, staring up at the massive ceiling far above her. The windows were open, allowing the flat to air out while she was there. She knew she'd have to close it all up once she left, but for now it was nice to open a place that had been locked up for so long.

She lay there for a while, taking in the peace and quiet. But this was interrupted.

"Master Ani!" 3P0 exclaimed. She'd sensed Skywalker before he arrived, but even so, she was startled by his presence. As Anakin greeted both droids that stood at the far side of the room, Regina jumped to her feet. Immediately she saw that he'd taken a speeder which he parked next to the one she'd taken. He was standing on the balcony, his short hair tied back and a smile on his lips as he addressed the droids.

"What are you doing here?" she demanded, crossing her arms over her chest. He turned to look at her as the droids returned to what they'd been doing. A smirk formed on his face, his amusement evident.

"Sorry, Master," he teased. "I'm on a mission for Master Kenobi and I thought I might inspect these apartments as they are under the care of Senator Amidala."

"You've gotten good at that," Regina remarked, uncrossing her arms and moving over to her husband. She was filled with a sense of freedom and though she knew that she wasn't free by any means, the two of them had a little bit as long as they were in their little hiding place.

She reached Skywalker and as she moved her arms around his neck, he reached for her waist,
pulling her to him in the process.

"Good at what?" he wanted to know.

"Lying." She raised her eyebrows.

He didn't say anything, but they both knew what he was thinking: they had to be.

"I made something for you," she said, meeting his eyes as she slid the bracelet off her wrist. She dropped her right hand to her waist where she fit the thing into his left hand. Regina knew he was looking at the green and brown bracelet, curious as to what it was.

"This is your braid, isn't it?" he remarked. Regina chuckled, putting her head onto his chest.

"It's not just my braid," she answered. "But yeah, part of it used to be my Padawan braid."

She could sense his emotions and knew that he felt honored.

"I know we have our wedding bands," she explained, "even though we don't wear them that way. But I thought maybe I could give you something that was truly part of me." She pulled back to look at him to see a small smile on his lips.

He reached his hand to her face, and instantly she saw the bracelet hanging from his good wrist. She smiled, her heart warmed.

"I think it's a good idea," he informed her. "And if anyone asks, it was a gift of goodwill from
a former enemy."

"Is that how it is?"

"It's how you thought it was," he smirked. She shook her head. "How everyone thought it was."

"You're not wrong, Skywalker. But I'm glad things are different now."

"How so?"

She knew he was messing with her, knew what he wanted her to say.

"Things are very different, Anakin," she said, pulling away from him. "You want a tour, don't you?" He watched her as she headed to a doorway. Looking back at him, she directed a mischievous glance. "Don't you want to find out what's in here?"

Anakin smirked and shook his head in an amused manner before following Regina into the master bedroom.

✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩

author's note:

yeah i had to do the anidala thing even if i modified it a bit. it's adorable.

anyway, the next chapter is gonna have some new characters!!! i'm hoping to publish it earlier sometime this week as i said but it depends on how far i get through the arc im currently writing

love you all!


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