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In the corner of the room beside the bed, Win is peacefully sleeping in her bed that Tine made for her when they arrive at Aros, but her peaceful nap comes to an end when her ears twitch as she detects some noise. Her eyes open, revealing two deep blue orbs. Win turned to the door where the noise came from, specifically some footsteps. Moments later the door bursts open, making Win stand and make a defensive stance, but then relaxes when she sees her companion enter, revealing a tired yet annoyed expression of his. He didn't get to notice Win as he immediately dived to his bed, face first. A loud groan came from him, a sign that he's tired.

It's been days since the 'argument' between him and Sarawat, and ever since then he begins to be irritable to most things. Sometimes he didn't notice that just snapped at anyone, like he did a while ago to a young man in the market, who just wanted to ask to take some sample of his refreshments. After realizing and seeing his fearful expression on his face, Tine offers to buy one of all of his beverages which makes the young man joy. He then gives it to the children and teenagers who are playing nearby the castle. He doesn't know why he is being like this, he already has the idea that the prince hates him, it's just that he didn't expect Sarawat to say those hurtful remarks to him.

He felt something furry and turned to look to see Win, nudging him for his attention. This makes Tine's tension fade as he smiles while he lightly scratches Win's sweet spots. "Did I upset you?"

Win only replied with a 'meow', "Sorry, I'm just a bit off today."

Win just purrs in delight as Tine continues to scratch her sweet spots. Tine just chuckles at her reaction. A few knocks from the door caught the attention of both of them. Tine wondered who it might be since he didn't expect someone, so he approached the door. The door opened, revealing not only the person he didn't expect to see, but also the last person he wanted to see.

"Tin-" Tine didn't let the word finish as he slammed the door. He turns around to see Win on the floor, tilting her head in curiosity. He was about to go to her when he heard the knocking from the door. He tried to ignore it but the knocking became louder, so taking one last look from his furry buddy before he sighed and went back to the door.

"What do you want?" Tine says the moment he opens the door, clearly irritated by the prince in front of him.

Opposite to Tine who is wearing a white tunic, worn over a dirty white surcoat, beige trousers and gray slippers, Prince Sarawat wears a gray tunic, with black surcoat over the tunic, black pants and Black leather boots. The prince also wears two silver rings on his right hand's index and ring finger and a coat, hinting that he's going somewhere.

Tine is still in front of him as Sarawat opens his mouth, before closing it as he somewhat struggles to say something in front of Tine, or that's what Tine thought based on his expression he's making. Getting tired of this, he puffs, "Look, if you're going to stand there all day, wasting my time, then you should leave."

"Tine." Sarawat exclaims as he stop Tine from closing the door. "Tine, I know that you are still upset, and I-"

"Upset?" Tine says in disbelief, "You think I am just upset?!" Sarawat steps back as he's shock to see the flare of anger in Tine's eyes. "What you've said to me doesn't just make me upset. Your words were out of line, and not only that, you insulted my family, my father!" He states as he raises his voice.

"It was because you were meddling in my business without my permission!" Sarawat tries to defend himself, but unconsciously talks back to Tine.

"I was trying to help, since all you did was tell me to leave you alone and ignore my request to help you!" Tine roars back to him, "You know what? Fine. It's my fault to just dive into your affairs, happy? Don't worry, I won't be a nuisance to you anymore soon." Before Sarawat could realize what he did and what happened, Tine slams the door again. Tine takes a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself. He was about to walk away from the door, when the voice from the other side of the door unexpectedly says,

"I'm sorry" Tine just froze to where he was the moment he heard those words, "I just, I don't know, will you hear me out, even for just a few moments?"

It takes a short moment before the door opens, revealing Tine, whose eyes are still wide in shock. Sarawat, on the other hand, looks anywhere but to Tine. "I know what I've said was out of line, there's no valid excuse for it. I also want to apologize for lashing out on you, even though I admit that it's a bit of a shock to me since I don't usually lash out on people like I did to you."

He suddenly pauses for a moment, Sarawat then looks at Tine. The Nerolian prince was surprised to see the look on Sarawat's eyes. "I know that there's not enough sorrys for you to forgive me, so meet let's at the gates before the sun hits at high noon, not after that." Tine was caught off guard by Sarawat's determination, and the next thing he knew was that Sarawat left him at his door.

At the same time, Sarawat is walking at a fast pace, relieved that he was able to say those words to Tine. 'This better work' he thought as he is now at the next step of his plan.


Few days ago

"Wait!" Sarawat blurts out as the trio along with Pear attempt to walk away, "I know you guys are still mad at me, and I don't blame you for it. All I'm asking is to hear me out for a few moments."

Pear was the first one to speak, "To what, hear your lame excuses to us? What you did to Tine was enough for me to despise you." The trio agreed with her.

Hearing her response, he swallowed hard, "I didn't mean for it to happen. All I could think at that time was what he did that clouded my mind with hate, to the point that I didn't notice my own actions. for that I want to apologize." Sarawat finishes with an uneasy expression on his face before he slowly bows to them.

The four of them were dumbfounded at Sarawat's words. Pear then looks at Film, who just raised her hands in the air. "Hey. I'm as shocked as you are."

"I didn't expect you all to forgive me now, but I need your help." Sarawat adds.

"Help?" Fong curiously asked.

"You've known Tine better than I do." Sarawat starts, "I want to talk with him personally, but as you are aware, he's ignoring me and has been avoiding me these past few days. So, in any way you can, can you give me some advice on how to approach him?"

The four of them look at each other, seemingly doubting if they should answer his question. "Why should we even help you? We don't even know if you'll hurt him again."Phuak firmly said.

"You're right. You have every reason to hate me, to despise me for what I've done and there's nothing I can do to fix that quickly." Sarawat then looks to them, "But I wouldn't ask all of you to help if I wouldn't be serious about this. You'll just have to trust me on this." Sarawat finishes with an unwavering gaze.

Unexpectedly, Pear steps forward, "Okay. I'll help you." All of them look at her in surprise, "But if I found out that you hurt him again, prince or no prince, you're going to regret it." Out of fear, Sarawat nods quickly.

Pear then looks at the trio, and smiles when they show gestures that they are with her. She looks back to the prince, "So, here's some tips that might help you."


Hi guys!!!

It's been so long since my last update. It's kind of hard to write, especially these past few days.

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Have a nice day guys!!!

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