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˜"*°•.˜"*°• Hope Mikaelson •°*"˜.•°*"˜

"No, Barry, what Iris did to our daughter while me and you were gone, it was beyond wrong

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"No, Barry, what Iris did to our daughter while me and you were gone, it was beyond wrong. There's a difference between putting a magic dampening bracelet on your kid, like what my mother did to me, and then there is lying to them for years and taking all of their powers! I'm not okay with it. And it's not my place to forgive her. Iris lied, it's her place to get *

"Don't you ever throw that in my face, ever again Barry. You and I both know if we start comparing betrayals and deaths of loved ones I'd run circles around you in both departments. I've had my fair share of friends betray me and try and kill me, my ex boy friend helped murder my mother, and you know what? I'm still friends with them. You know why? Because I know how to keep an open mind and listen to others when they explain why they did what they did. Nora didn't know who Thawne was, she explained what she did and she explained why! I can understand why because I would have done it too. Yet I did a lot worse. So no, the fact she asked Thawne how to use her speed to get here after Iris lied to her, it doesn't bother me at all."

"Barry! That's not me! It's not me! Barry!"

"I disappear too?"

˜"*°•.˜"*°• Barry Allen •°*"˜.•°*"˜

"Maybe if he had killed your mom, you would feel differently

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"Maybe if he had killed your mom, you would feel differently."

"All I wanna do, is come running home to you..."

"Whatever's in store for us, they can't change what we mean to each other. Can't erase what's in our hearts. As long as we hold on to that... we've beaten Crisis before it ever begins."

"I'm ThE fLaSh!"

˜"*°•.˜"*°• Nora Mikaelson-Allen •°*"˜.•°*"˜

"This house is bitchin'

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"This house is bitchin'."

"It's just that I saw you jump off a building last week and that was awesome so I thought maybe I'd come with you while you did some detective work."

"My whole life I felt like I was different form everybody else and I didn't know why. You took a choice away from me that I didn't even know I had. A choice to be a hero. Like my mom and dad."

"Oh, is this about the other Nora?"

˜"*°•.˜"*°• Bart Mikaelson-Allen •°*"˜.•°*"˜

"Because he's my Thawne!"

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"Because he's my Thawne!"

"Yo,, this place is crash!"

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