im all ive ever loved and known

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im not one but many intertwined
a patchwork built of borrowed lines,
from those ive loved and left behind
their essence mingled, now in mine

each soul ive loved, each heart embraced,
imprints are left upon this delicate space,
and with pieces out of place,
i stray, lost in endless void

who am i without their light?
who am i without their grace?
without their presence where do i stand?
without their warmth where do i stand?

a shadow drifting in the night
a hollow echo in the vest
a wondering leaf upon the sand
an empty vessel in the vast

in fragments lost, i yearn to see
the fleeting form of what is me.

without the pieces left behind, who am i but a mere mosaic built of memories of those ive touched and felt?

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