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"Long ago, the goddess Hectae blessed four mortals, these four mortals taught their own teachings to people around them, and created a place where people who were blessed with Hectae's blessing could live in harmony, They came to be known as witches and wizards," Chiron explained in a grim tone, "No demigod ever trespassed in their territories. Until now,"

Sixtine's jaw clenched as she stared at the envelopes on her lap. Two envelopes, both addressed to her.

Ms. Sixtine Laurent
Cabin 10, Camp Half Blood
Long Island, New York

Two letters from a supposed magical school.


Sounded like a disease from the 1800s.

"It's a school for your kind in England," Chiron explained and Sixtine snapped.

"My kind?" She hissed out, " 11 months ago my kind was the psych ward patients, then 6 months ago it was the demigods, now you're telling me my kind is some loopy witchcraft school in Britain? Is this a fricking joke?!"

"Six," Francis tried to pull her back, "It's not Chiron's fault,"

"I don't care whose fault it is!" Her voice cracked, tears building up in her eyes, "I just want to know who i am!"

She stormed out of the big house, stomping her way towards the strawberry fields. Nothing was making sense this past year, ever since she'd turned 11 in February her entire life had gone haywire and nothing was making sense.

She flopped down on the grass staring at the strawberries as the noise of insects filled her ears. The silence just made the tears of frustration slip down. The sun shone down on her as if giving a warm hug but nothing was helping.

Francis found her a few minutes later, panting from his sprint. He sat down beside her, silent for a moment before speaking. "You know, I don't get it either," he said softly. "But this is apparently who we are."

Sixtine wiped her tears, looking at her brother. "Who we are?" She whispered.

"Our dad," Francis replied, pausing. "He was a wizard,"

Sixtine stared at her brother, "So what we are some kind of weird hybrid now?"

"I don't know what we are Sixtine!" Francis spoke in frustration, "Just that you're meant to go to this school,"

Sixtine stayed silent. She forgot her brother was dealing with as much issues as she was, he had this information springed out on him too. Then her mind registered his words and she whipped towards him.

"Hold on, I'm meant to go this school? What about you?"

Francis stared down at his hands before reaching in his pocket and pulling out an envelope, unlike the Hogwarts's yellow parchment paper this one was velvety and shiny blue.

It had "Beauxbaton" written on it in cursive letters.

"I didn't get one from Hogwarts," his voice cracked, "I got this one, it's in France,"

There was silence before Sixtine broke into a sob, one of the hogwarts letter behind her caught on fire as harsh sunlight blared on them.

"We've always been together," she hiccuped, "What do you mean we are going to different schools?"

Francis felt his heart clench, his hand shook as he pulled her in a hug, "We'll find a way, I'll still be at camp with you,"

Sixtine's shoulders slumped. "But this is so unfair." She cried, "I don't want to go to a new school without you. We've been through everything together."

𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐓, 𝐏𝐉𝐎 𝐱 𝐇𝐏Where stories live. Discover now