All For One

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Optimus coughs as he's deposited onto the ground with all the villains. He looks up to find a new villain. All For One. He's talking with Shigaraki about what has happened and future plans.

All Might comes in, throwing a powerful punch which All For One seems to catch with ease.

*This is bad...*

"I'll have you return my student, All For One," All Might says.

"Have you con to kill me a second time, All Might?" All For One asks.

A massive cloud of smoke burst from the two, blowing everyone way. Optimus quick gets back to his feet as the smoke clears.

"I will not repeat the same mistake I made five years ago," All Might states, "I will take Young Pax back. And I will make certain you're locked up for the rest of your sad life! Right along with your despicable league of villains!"

"Sounds like you've got your work cut out from you. This will be hard for both of us," All For One replies.

All Might throws another punch, but All For One throws him back without even touching him. Throwing All Might through multiple buildings.

All For One turns to Optimus, "Don't you worry. It'll take more than that to kill him." He turns to Shigaraki, "Get off the battlefield, Tomura. And take that child with you."

All For One forces Kurogiri to use his quirk, even while unconscious. All Might returns and continues his fight with All For One, while the rest of the villains turn towards Optimus.

Twice runs in to attack. Optimus quickly moves out of the way. Toga comes in with her knife. Optimus jumps over her. Compress reaches out for Optimus, but he opens a bridge under himself. Once a few feet away, he opens another bridge under Compress and moves him back to the bar.

*That should keep him from using his quirk on me.*

All Might attempts to reach Optimus, but is thrown back by All For One. Optimus is too busy holding his own, trying what he can to not get hit. After fighting Stain, he learned there would be reciprocation for injuring a villain without a hero license, unless allowed by a Pro. He's sticking to dodging. He knows he could easily escape, but that's not in his nature.

Suddenly, a wall breaks apart. Iida and Midoriya come fling through. A ice path into the air is made that launches them high up.

"Orion! Portal back to UA!" Midoriya shouts.

*A desperate attempt to help me escape. The villains are distracted. But I won't leave.*

Optimus watches as they fly out a view. Magnum launches Twice after them, but Mt. Lady blocks the path. Gran Torino comes in and knocks down the rest of the villains.

"You heard them kid! Get out of here!" Torino shouts.

"No. Not until everyone is safe. Not until this is over," Optimus looks at All For One.

"Fine. I give you permission to use your quirk, and any necessary force, on the villains," Torino responds, already regretting his decision.

Toga and Shigaraki are the only other villains left. Torino sighs and heads over to deal with them.

"All Might!" Optimus shouts, "Stop holding your punches! I can handle any blasts that may come from it!"

All For One quickly throughs all the other villains through the gate. It closes behind them, leaving him alone. All Might goes in for a punch, but Torino is warped in front of the punch, getting knocked out.

All Might throws another smash, quickly moving Torino out of the way. But stops the attack himself.

"You still won't fight me with your full power, huh? Because doing so will endanger all those people you've sworn to protect," All For One states.

"Shut up," All Might says, "Always toying with people, probing their weaknesses. You steal them. Break them. Manipulate and discard them. You scoff at innocent people who are just trying to lead happy lives!" All Might jumps forward and grabs All For One's wrist, moving it away, "It can not continue!"

"It's over," All For One replies as he reached over with his other hand.

"I won't let it!" All Might shouts as he slams All For One into the ground.

All Might is starting to revert into his weaker form.

"What's wrong?" All For One asks, surprising everyone.

"You seem to be worked up about something, All Might," He continues calmly, "I've heard that same exact line before, you know. From the person how had One-For-All before you. Nana Shimura."

All For One continues to taunt All Might, getting him quite upset.

"Enough!" All Might shouts.

All Might throws another punch, but it backfires and throws him up into the air. He almost hits a news helicopter, but Gran Torino grabs him. Torino lands on the ground, giving All Might advice.

All For One stands up, revealing a featureless face under the mask All Might had broken.

A shot hits All For One in the side of the head, causing him to stumble slightly. The side of his head chard slightly.

"Enough talk," Optimus growls out through his battle mask. His blaster in full view.

"Young Pax! What are you doing!?" All Might's eyes widen.

"I gave him permission to fight, I didn't think he'd be stupid with it," Torino gasps.

"Ah. Even with a quirk that would allow easy escape, you stayed. How brave," All For One chuckles, "Let's deal with this problem first."

All For One fires a blast at All Might. All Might stays standing, but is fully reverted to his smaller form.

"Hollow cheeks and sunken eyes. To think that you're their greatest hero," All For One looks back at Optimus, "now the adoring public knows your true from. Try not to be ashamed."

As All For One and All Might continue to talk, it is revealed that Shigaraki is Shimura's grandson. Which seems to shock All Might.

"I said enough!" Optimus shouts as he shoots again.

Bridges open up under every single person he's spotted, sending them all to the UA front lawn. He even sends All Might away.

*That may have been a foolish choice, but I won't let him die. He's the symbol of Peace. Peace will never die.*

"Sacrificing yourself? And here I thought you were the smart one, Orion Pax," All For One reaches out towards Optimus.

"My name, is Optimus Prime!"

He throws a punch, sending All For One back.

"What?" All For One looks up quickly.

Sparks of white energy come off of Optimus' body, the glowing image of something is exposed from its hiding place in his chest.

"That's impossible! You're not supposed to have a quirk like this! You're not the next holder!" All For One shouts.

"What makes you think this is One For All. No. This is the power of the Primes. The Matrix," Optimus lifts his blaster, "Say goodbye."

Optimus fires, the energy from the Matrix causing his shot to become extremely powerful. The entire area is covered in a blinding white light. As it fades, Optimus stands alone. All For One is gone.

*There's a good chance he escaped.*

A warning pops up on Optimus' HUD.

[Low Energy: Forced Recharge]

Optimus promptly falls unconscious in the middle of the rubble.



When Book 2 is posted, I will make another chapter in here to tell you guys.

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